Because children are too expensive for low income families, and global warming, social unrest, fear overpopulation and general sustainability, and an increasing lack of faith in democracy, the government, and law enforcement are making us increasingly nervous about the future.…
I wonder if any of these scumfucks know just how demented it is that-- not 24 hours after a horrible school shooting-- we have to combat widespread misinformation about the killer, specifically concocted to target minorities. We don't even get to mourn like normal.
"Why are you Leftists always so miserable?" Because we don't want this fucking culture war. We hate it, we hate taking part in it, but we're *always having to play defense.* Every day. It's so fucking exhausting.
Sorry for all the politics the last week. I'm exhausted, furious, and honestly scared for the future. I do believe in a better tomorrow, but I fear how much worse it's going to get before it gets better. Stay strong and help each other. Kindness is strength.
SAY IT WITH ME, FOLKS: Symbolic gestures are not signs of actual power. Corporations looking to capitalize on rainbow dollars and communities looking to speak up for minorities does not equal *actual political power.* All the rainbow cop cars in the world won't change laws.
A small preview of the next X Minutes. Feat. @DEEsidia as Shinso!
Bringing this back again.…
For Pride Month, Nintendo is giving everyone bi panic.
Saw this joke going around, and couldn't help my damn self.
@SethDillon You lying fucking trashbags. That's not a trans woman or a man in drag. That's a straight family at a burlesque show. That is a cis woman. Which is still fucked up, but stop trying to lie to slander us you cretins.
"Waist-high turbosuction device" was my nickname in college…
Absolutely heartbreaking. My sincerest condolences to his friends and family. I cannot imagine the pain and sadness. It cannot be stressed enough: Always show your love to those close to you.…
First one of you who makes porn of this monstrosity gonna have a meet cute with Satan…
Guys, this thread should outline just how fucked our situation is right now Things are *bad*. Violence is escalating, the people committing the violence are lying and manipulating the information to demonize us. It is a *calculated, dishonest, targeted attack.*…
KYOSHI MOVIE KYOSHI MOVIIIEEEE Also Zuko and Korra that's real fuckin' cool too but like KYOSHI MOVVVVIIIEEEEE…
If the state is Republican controlled within the next year, I may need to seriously consider moving from the state. My *marriage* will be at stake, to speak nothing fo my personal safety. Christ, to also think thay we'll possibly have a Republican President here in 2024...
I'm angry all of the time. I'm literally angry *all of the time.* Know why I haven't streamed? Made as much content as I used to? Stopped being in Let's Plays, etc.? Because this is what's happening to my country and I've slowly become an angry shell of who I used to be.…
I once said, "I'm not sure I could be friends with a Republican" and I got vitriol over that statement. But this is what you voted for. For women to lose their bodily autonomy. For gay marriage to be struck down. For contraception to be on the crosshairs. For climate disaster.
I'm just so tired. I'm tired and angry and I feel like I could scream at every hour of every day because the system is *fucked*. And I remember when Trump-- who installed a conservative SCOTUS-- was elected, and I was told, "You're overexaggerating!" Fuck. You. Sincerely.
Basically, the whole video:…