no commentary just this perfect clip…
Made with permission from the artist @beartnie Bert: @SolidusJJ Ernie: @KaiserNeko…
Fuck it, here's a better version.…
As always, whenever I finish a project, I desperately try to find something to scratch me editing itch, and so you get three whole videos of me progressively making Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog videogame series from Japanese game developer SEGA say a swear
The comments and QRTs for the original tweet are *full* of these types of comments too. Many of them with hundreds of likes. Not just "disagreeing over making non-black characters black." Straight up racism, full stop.…
Been a year and a half and you still can't get a PS5 at retail price on Amazon.
we're all havin' a normal one today… IT'S OUT IT'S FINALLY OUT Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. Y'all are fucking amazing.
So who wants to bet the Mario movie's gonna get delayed since we haven't seen ANYTHING about it since the cast reveal?
@gfuelnft @TheeHustleHouse Quick reminder that NFTs are scams, and bad for the economy AND environment!
I've been infuriated over this Roe VS Wade decision, but... it pales in comparison to all the people I know who are directly impacted by it, who will lose the ability to make the choice for themselves, and must feel so betrayed, infuriated, and scared. You deserve better.
"The 'Left' got too 'cringe' so I decided to side with the people who think I'm a mentally ill freak."…
SPOILERS FOR THE OWL HOUSE SEASON 2 EPISODE 19 Holy shit, I had to pause on this. The absolute call out.
There's a bit of a kerfuffle going around about a certain character's outfit in the new Doctor Strange film, and how it's over-designed, and I'm over here still recovering from *these*:
It has been shown-- again and again-- that if we band together, accept and work hard with each other despite our differences, look after one another, and prioritize the wellbeing of the people, we can make wonders. That's what I believe in.…
NFTs are fucking garbage. That said: The "Right Click + Save" joke with NFTs is starting to feel like more of a detriment to our argument. The signature associated with the NFT is what's valuable, and those who value NFTs know that. They don't care if people have copies.
The boundaries of good taste have crumbled to dust and are now choking us to death.…
That shot when an anime character is about to go insane.
Holy shit, the "He's a COMEDIAN, he tells JOKES!" people are *very mad* that this comedy website told a joke.…