Maxwell Jacob Friedman™️(@The_MJF)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Got sick of CM ducking me like a coward. Decided I needed some me time. #Betterthanyou
An incredible book written by an incredible man. Some might even say @bfg728 is salt of the earth!
No one can touch me on the microphone. Next week punk and his emo dork buddies are gonna find out nobody can touch the PINNACLE in the ring. Always on top!
Who the hell let Shawn Dean in this match?!?!?!?…
Lmk when the touchy feely YouTube guy fights pillsbury doughboy.
In other words. Stop making excuses you fat fucks.
New Orleans was a mistake.
Sea of dweebs.
Hey DJ I’ll cut to the chase, I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.
Somebody stop me.
Lmao. Nobody chooses Jersey. You settle.…
9 Days.
Forever The Pinnacle.
Gonna take the night off and enjoy a nice glass of Merlot. Happy anniversary @AEW
I hope the father did the right thing and stole this horrible child’s candy.
Tonight watch me whip wardlow and then watch basketball or whatever.
Everything I say is true especially here……Right here. On twitter. Now go take a Nestea plunge off a bridge, Mickey.…
No one has ever or will ever beat me CLEAN! COWARDS!
140 DB flat bench press to failure.