Maxwell Jacob Friedman™️(@The_MJF)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Lots of people out there are claiming I’m making captions simply to find an excuse to post more photos of piper and that’s easily the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
I’ve been studying this man for a very long time. I hate his guts but I respect everything moxley has done in this sport. I attended a WWE Show in the Tri state area back in 2013. Tomorrow I wrestle him for the world title in the prudential center.
Biggest mistake of your life, Chris.
“But MJF Cheated!”-Marks
Btw. If wardlow touches me in the cage. I’m going to DQ him and he won’t get the match at DON or ever sign a contract with AEW and he will work for me until the day he dies. Just saying.
This past Wednesday-knock out a loser. Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues-on set for my movie because I’m actually a star unlike all your faves. Wednesday-probably knock out another loser. Thursday-finally go home to the most magical place in the world Long Island New York.
MID, is a part of everyday modern culture and is super over on @tiktok_us. I’m not getting credit for it. If you know someone who loves this TikTok sound or now uses this word regularly, tag them in this post so they know I’m their overlord. If you don’t. You’re MIIIIIIIIID!
Twice in Chicago.
Happy Easter!
Today, as I wake up, I realize that I’m heading to rat infested Queens to wrestle in front of a capacity crowd of people who all wish they were me. To share a ring with Brian Pillman Jr the product of Methanie. Kill me.
.@barstoolsports coming in hot with an all new “Answer The Internet”, with your boy. The Salt Of The Earth is in full force. Premiers in 3 hours
You had one job @PlatinumMax Mid caster.
Pennsylvania should be illegal.
Early AM workout. Piper knows to watch over the home.
So glad to be back at home in the states. @trishstratuscom would not leave me alone. So Annoying.
Truly shocking.
26 days.
Bandido is mid.
It was only 77 years ago.