I know the feeling... twitter.com/TheOnion/statu…
How many more black men must die in america before we do something? twitter.com/HuffPostPol/st…
Even on the hard days, you're loved & wanted here more than you will ever know. Stay strong. randomacts.org/crisis-support… #YANA #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
A true Halloween story. #HappyHalloween
All is not well! I came home from work to discover that Maison had sprinkled glitter all over every surface in the house. This glitter situation is irreversible. Glitter on the rugs, upholstery, armpits, everywhere. I will forever sparkle.
Oh, God! I nearly forgot! Happy birthday, @RobBenedict! (You’ve always been like an absentee father to me.)
Here's looking at you, birthday boy. 🎂
📸: Probably Creasser or @spntapeball, but I’m not sure - it’s been a while. (Sorry.)
I was jealous of Sam and Dean always touring the country in their '67 Impala, so I'm doing my own American road trip show for @PBS. Wanna come along for the ride? roadfood.com/tv/
(Sponsored by @GoldPeak @Ally)
Hey @JensenAckles, hope your new welding career is going well! @jarpad and I are still working on #Supernatural. Miss you. #SPN300 #SPNFamily
This is in the #Supernatural Makeup trailer. I think @JensenAckles made it.
Why is #Supernatural trending at #1 right now?! Is it because you people like to see me sad?!
I hate to gossip about her on her birthday, but @DanneelHarris is one of the most giving people I know. She’s even spending her 40th giving gifts to kids experiencing homelessness! You can help her (& @JensenAckles) spread cheer here: share.thebirthdaypartyproject.org/fundraiser/ack… Happy b-day, Danneel!
Trudged around in the open sewer that is the LA river with the kids today collecting garbage. This is what we found... @FoLARtweets
Also, can I just say I'm proud of my kids that they were among 3 people brave enough to wade in the sludge of the LA River today?
Dreams do come true! Yesterday, I got to live out the fantasy of most sane people on the planet.
Donate here: bit.ly/PieGiving
@jarpad @JensenAckles
Wherein I am caught on camera proving that I know nothing about the show I work on... twitter.com/TVGuide/status…
I'm sure Google search results for this new "Supernatural slash" series will be illuminating. twitter.com/NatGeoPR/statu…
Also while I’m on the topic of the kids... Maison came into our room crying hysterically before sunrise this morning. I jumped up & said, “what happened, love?!” She sobbed, “I forgot how to cry!” I said, “But you are crying.” She screamed, “No! I’m just faking it!” 100% true.
Hey #SPNSea! So sorry we can’t be there; the WA roads are treacherous. (I was going 5mph last night when this happened. I’m fine, but when the gov. called a state of emergency, we had to pull the plug.) I’ve sent u something in the vendor’s room to help keep you warm. Miss u all.
At the airport cafe the cashier said, “I’m trying not to freak out because I know who you guys are.” Maison replied with genuine curiosity and a bit of awe, “Who are we?”
People are shouting, “Plagiarism!”, but I see this as RECYCLING, which helps the environment, so I say, “Thanks for doing your part for the planet, @jonasbrothers.” twitter.com/heynutkin/stat…