Good tidings to you & yours. #MerryChristmasEve
Bert & Ernie were outed as gay, but their studio, @SesameWorkshop, denies it. All this gossip is outrageous! Never have we seen so many people getting so worked up over speculation about the sexual orientation of two fictional characters. twitter.com/THR/status/104…
Hey, @JensenAckles, you still look good, but holy hell, as the photo in this article shows, you were such a STUD back in the day. twitter.com/screenrant/sta…
I am at the Oscars tonight with my BFF since I was 12. He has won two Oscars tonight so far for his film, @SoundOfMetalUK. So proud of you, @dariusmarder.
So according to the Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices this week, States can restrict women's private reproductive rights, but States can't restrict men from carrying loaded guns in public. Anyone who says voting doesn't matter is dead wrong. VOW to VOTE.
Today, Maison, 6, went outside in her shirt and pants and lay down in the snow until she was soaking wet and then came in and reported: “I just can’t help it. I love outside things. I love rain, I love snow, I love wind.”
The tooth fairy failed to come last night.
After I silently cursed myself, Maison said, "Dad, I think it's Covid-related. Maybe she's not vaccinated."
The little demon/angels are not very good at taking @dicksp8jr's direction. (Photo by Brad Creasser)
You really don’t have to carry on about it, but thank you. twitter.com/KansasBand/sta…
Super excited to be starring opposite @jarpad in the latest Mr. Rogers biopic! twitter.com/samhighfill/st…
First day back at work was a little rough. Join the Hunt. Final days! you.jointhehunt.com/register.php
I want to deeply apologize for misspeaking this weekend. At a fan convention in New Jersey, when I was talking with the audience I said that I was “all three” things: an introvert, an extrovert and a bisexual. 1/5 🧵
Tonight at bedtime Maison screamed, “it’s not fair I hate being the youngest!”
And I said, “Why love? Because we treat you like a baby?”
And she said, “no. Because everyone in my family is going to die before me and Leave me all alone.”
So sweet.
Have you been getting royalties from @HBO?? As you can see from this video, The Last of Us video game owes its success to its two most recognizable and central characters, “Misha and Jensen,” and by extension, the hit HBO series @TheLastofUsHBO is basically a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
One day, presidential #debate technology will advance to the point that we’ll be able to give the moderator “mute” buttons so candidates don’t talk over each other. #debates2020 #PresidentialDebate
I hate to say it, but @JensenAckles is turning into a crusty old man these days. #GISH
I hope your V-Day was filled with frosting & sweetness. #HappyValentinesDay
As a father of two kids, one a year older and one a year younger than this 9 year-old girl, I just want to say, FUCK YOU to the Rochester police involved in this incident. We need national police reform NOW! amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/01…
I’ve been known for getting my influence all over the place, but this is the first time I’ve ever won an award for it! (Thanks, guys.) twitter.com/CelebMix/statu…
In times of darkness, endeavor to be the light. #HolocaustRemembrance twitter.com/GoodRobinHood/…
Heartbroken for you, New Zealand, and for all those victimized by despicable acts of terror.
I don’t want to be a lecherous perv about this, but the girls at #comicon are stunning!
My sister just confessed that she “thought reindeer were like unicorns—mythological creatures we just talk about around Christmas”...until she was in her mid twenties. Now she’s re-evaluating everything.
Health care workers are risking their lives to help save ours. Let’s all show them some love. SHOW ME YOUR SIGNS! #ThankYouCovid19Heroes
This wasn’t fair! You can’t see, but West (on my shoulders) is wearing pants made from woven lead. Maison (on @HilarySwank's shoulders) had just inhaled 1/2 a tank of helium.