Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Мир знает, что большинство россиян не хотят войны, но путинское угнетение затрудняет борьбу с цензурой и координацию сопротивления. Этот инструмент может помочь. Поделитесь им со всеми, кого вы знаете. bit.ly/LanternRussia
We are nestled in to watch the last episode of #Supernatural. This will be the first full episode the kids watch, so I'll have a lot of explaining to do, but needed someone to hold me.
Now you can learn to cook like Dean & Cas: adventurouseatersclub.com/shop #TheAdventurousEatersClub
I wasn’t expecting @TheCW to reboot #Supernatural so quickly, but here we are. twitter.com/DiscussingFilm…
No one should ever be persecuted for being who they are, but too many trans & gender non-conforming people face that indignity every day. We will keep fighting for you. #TransDayOfRemembrance
To get you caught up for tonight’s SERIES FINALE, here’s a little recap of 15 years of #Supernatural with clips from each of the 326 episodes to date. Everything is making me cry today. #SPNFamilyForever (Thank you, @KansasBand, for letting me use Carry On Wayward Son here.)
Votam para @LulaOficial, Brasil! #Lula 🇧🇷💚💛💙 🤞
In episode 1402, Cas befriends two small demons.
In the bathroom at the coffee shop this morning, my six-year-old said, “daddy what does that sign say?” I read, “Pregnant women should not drink alcohol.” She said, “What about pregnant men?“
My transition from man to Catstiel is complete. #SPN Day 1, 2019.
. @jarpad, I’m glad your parents had unprotected sex 36 years & 9 months ago. They brought a good soul and a great friend into the world. Happy birthday. PS: Sorry, I need to work on my cake-serving skills. youtu.be/2fBlCuYKNXk
Happy birthday to my friend @jarpad! Never change.
Seems like this show would benefit from a time-traveling angel-in-a-trenchcoat character. Just saying... twitter.com/JensenAckles/s…
Brasil, eu te amo! Então meu pai e minha irmã cantam para você essa serenata. My father and sister are showing off their Portuguese.
Odette, if you read this when you are older, please know this: You are nothing like your father—you are brave and strong and not afraid of green monsters. twitter.com/GenPadalecki/s…
We’re cooking up civic engagement (and possibly starting some food fights) this Thanksgiving. Want in? wethepurple.org/thanksgivingta… #wethepurple (And follow @JoinWeThePurple!) @JensenAckles @jarpad
We love our fans! #Supernatural (Photo by @FridaNorrman)
In tonight's debate, the President of the United States, point-blank refused to condemn white supremacy. Point blank. #FuckingVote!
We're turning to the ultimate arbiter of paternity issues, @LaurenLLake, to determine once & for all whether I actually fathered my son, @Alex8Calvert. Don't worry, Alex, we'll get to the bottom of this! @PaternityCourt @GISH
Happy 17th b-day, @cw_spn! I remember you when you were just a toddler. Can’t believe you’re almost old enough to vote… #SupernaturalDay 🎂🎉
Nothing's more awkward than a family reunion where every single attendee has died at least once. #Supernatural #300Episodes share.ew.com/9K3XTYK
Trump just killed an Iranian General with the false premise that he was preventing an impending attack. Killing an Iranian General is an act of war and will certainly CAUSE Iran to attack the US. Trump will cost American lives to distract from his impeachment! Terrifying. twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Young people, will you vote? Will you pledge to vote? Please? If not, will you tell me why? If you are not registered, or if you are unsure, you can check here... It couldn't be easier and it couldn't be more important: iwillvote.com twitter.com/NathanLerner/s…
Shooting bear cubs and wolf puppies while they sleep in their dens is now legal thanks to @realDonaldTrump... Darth Vader would have made a better President. twitter.com/CBSNews/status…