Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

The wardrobe of a confident man...
Today 13 years ago Cas found a vessel and met his human family for the first time. Happy Birthday, Castiel. I hope you're still happy. #castielDay
Here’s the thing: #MeToo does not ask us to blindly accept every woman’s assaulted claim, but it does ask us to take her claims seriously. Every time. That’s it.
So @tumblr just officially banned “adult content” including something called, “female-presenting nipples.” I can only assume my nipples will now sadly be banned there. But hopefully @Twitter and @instagram will let them stand.
Today is the last day of #Pride. Spread your wings. Cas is proud of you (and I am proud of Cas).
I wasn't on set today, but some of my favorite people were there along with my body double.
مردم آمریكا جنگ با ایران نمی خواهند.
Hey, @Twitter, @realDonaldTrump is violating your rules by threatening to obliterate Iran. Thanks. help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-p… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Happy birthday, @Alex8Calvert! I know a lot of people make jokes about you looking like my biological son, but I don't THINK you are... (But, just out of curiosity, where WAS your mother 28 years & 9 months ago?)
日本の地震について読んだばかりです。 あなたが無事であることを願っています。 私はあなたに私の愛を送ります。
Don't let Trump's lies scare you tonight. The only "crisis" we're facing is a crisis of leadership, with Trump holding 800,000 American workers' paychecks hostage to get his way & build a wall we don't need.  #ThePeopleAddressTheNation
Today is Castiel’s birthday, so I dusted off the trench coat for a little, “I miss you” cosplay. Happy birthday, ol’ buddy. 🎂 📸: @chrisschmelke
Fascist mobs are attempting to overrun the Capitol at Trump’s command, but thankfully none of them are peaceful protestors or people of color so no teargas or rubber bullets are being used. Seems allwhite to me. twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer…
If you ever doubt you have a place in the universe, it's at Pegasus RA 21h 36m 27.82s D 13°7’ (RA 21h 36m 27.82s D 13°6’ 34.06”, to be exact). I had a star named for the #SPNFamily just in case you forget—& so whenever you look up at the night sky, you'll know you're not alone.
Buckle up, buttercup. #SPN15 #SPNFamily #Supernatural
Thank you, America.
After 12 yrs of working with him, I can genuinely say I’ve become a superfan of his. Happy birthday, @JensenAckles.
Україно, наші серця розриваються за тебе. Світ прагне зробити все можливе, щоб принести мир і автономію українському народу.
11 years ago today Castiel first inhabited his rock hard human vessel. I’m celebrating on set with the only member of the cast/crew who will still talk to me.(@spntapeball)
NO AMERICANS WERE KILLED BY IRAN'S ATTACK TODAY. @realDonaldTrump does not need to strikes back. If he does, it will start a war. And THOUSANDS or MILLIONS will die. #NoWarWithIran
The boys are back in town. #CWUpfront
My son and Maison and West came to set! @Alex8Calvert
It’s my birthday on Monday! I don't normally like to ask for presents, so I’m a little embarrassed to bring it up, but I DO have a wish this year and it would mean the world to me if you’ll help me make it come true: actionsprout.io/6146F5
They may have named you “king,” but you’ll always be my princess, @JensenAckles. Congrats! twitter.com/theadvocateno/…