Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

was it good for you? twitter.com/Peeardee/statu…
Hey, @HilarySwank, should I be flattered that you want your bird to eat an effigy of my face?!? instagram.com/p/BmB9d_VDHEq/…
Kavanaugh is applying for a lifetime job on the Supreme Court. If hired, his decisions will affect us all for decades to come. It's the duty of the hiring board (Congress) to review ALL his records fully. Take action & make them to do their job! #WhatAreTheyHiding (202) 804-8191 twitter.com/VP/status/1025…
We're turning to the ultimate arbiter of paternity issues, @LaurenLLake, to determine once & for all whether I actually fathered my son, @Alex8Calvert. Don't worry, Alex, we'll get to the bottom of this! @PaternityCourt @GISH
Flat Castiel is almost to DC on his way to see @VP (@Mike_Pence). In Brookville, PA, they nearly got arrested (and apparently they picked up a Dean somewhere along the way...) #GISHAngelsFlight #GISH twitter.com/MishasZanna/st…
Your friendly reminder to remember to stop and smell the butterflies.
Who needs a ball pit when you have a sock pit? Today GISHERs broke the standing Guinness World Record for the number of socks donated to the homeless by a factor of 4. (Our 8th GWR) This is getting too easy. [@GISH, proving that u can change the world through play since 2011.]
You guys blow my mind. We’re almost there! I’m so grateful to be collaborating to help make a difference with you all. @RandomActsOrg @gilesduley bit.ly/2018ChangeALife @GISH: Proof that playing a game can change lives since 2011. twitter.com/GISH/status/10…
This is Republican Senate Majority Leader’s tweet from 2016 wherein he blocked Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, because it was campaign season. Let’s stick with your argument, Mitch. No confirmations until after the American people weigh in in November. newyorker.com/news/daily-com… twitter.com/LeaderMcConnel…
You're right, @Nick_Offerman— this has got to be kismet. What do you say, @neilhimself? twitter.com/Nick_Offerman/…
When you apply for a job, employers look at your full background. A Supreme Court justice nominee should be held to at LEAST the same standard—but the @GOP is blocking 90% of his records. #WhatAreTheyHiding? Call & tell your reps to #ReleaseTheRecords! (202) 804-8191 twitter.com/washingtonpost…
Keeping people in jail because you can “use” them for labor is what we in the 21st century call “slavery”, #StevePrattor. Shame on you. twitter.com/ATLBlackStar/s…
I love the installations these criminals have created. Who wouldn't love the intersection of "conspiracy" and "art"? This is their twitter: @upcomingLA & this is their website: archivesandrecords.info twitter.com/LAWeekly/statu…
This new book, #OutsideTheWire by @JasonKander, is absolutely shocking & a real page-turner! (What's even better is that for every book sold, Jason is making a donation to @MomsDemand & @Everytown.)
I object! My fashion choices have devolved over time. twitter.com/red_seventh/st…
Trunk tea party etiquette requires you to always bring a spare. What was your favorite @GISH photo or video and memory from this year? (Post yours tagged #GISHmemories so I can find it.) . twitter.com/CaseyElaineL/s…
I’ve been known for getting my influence all over the place, but this is the first time I’ve ever won an award for it! (Thanks, guys.) twitter.com/CelebMix/statu…
Nice work, Al. The @GISH Dept. of Parking Salutations is lucky to have you on the force. twitter.com/Finnthehuman21…
Thanks to all of you, this exists. The man you hear talking is Austin Drill, who was the head of construction on the Free High School. Thank you, everyone involved... you’ve given these students a second chance. @RandomActsOrg
The wardrobe of a confident man...
Without reviewing 90% of their record, would you give someone one of the most powerful jobs in the nation... for life? Call your Senators right now at (202) 804-8191 & demand they release Kavanaugh's records! Let me know when you did it. Thanks, guys. #ReleaseTheRecords twitter.com/PiperPerabo/st…
I admit it: there WAS collusion! Thanks to my nefarious co-conspirators for making the lives of these brave women better. It's an honor to collaborate with you all. ew.com/tv/2018/08/09/… @gilesduley @GISH @RandomActsOrg
The Senate Judiciary Committee (led by @ChuckGrassley) is meeting right now. Why are they holding Kavanaugh to a lower standard of review than previous candidates? #WhatAreTheyHiding? judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/08/16…
I’ve leveraged my years of experience working with the paranormal into a part-time desk job with an impressive organization. #SupernaturalParody2 by @HillywoodShow ▶️ WATCH IT NOW: youtu.be/Nsy06n-omrg