the black women fan experience is relating with characters that don't look like you all throughout your child years until you realise that everyone around you has the most shallow understanding of what black women can be 😊 twitter.com/dolfijnmanjohn…
Black people should be free to draw Black people how they like without it being called "stereotypical" or "bad representation".
if beth was an ojamajo!
i wish that the go to response for when a game company (in this case mihoyo) fails to make any characters darker than a paper bag wasn't "be patient". we need to seriously evaluate the ever-present colorism, antiblackness and orientalism in a lot of our favourite fantasy games
antiblackness in the animation industry (and bigotry in general) needs to be seriously addressed and not just by fans. Considering the roots of animation, it so easy to perpetuate harm and being dismissive of your audience's concerns isn’t the best look