My message has convinced more men to join the gym and get their health in order than any school program has ever done.
My message has convinced men to be entrepreneurial and hard-working members of society.
Young men understand what is parody, hyperbole and comedy and what is not.
They understand context,
When they see an out-of-context clip, they understand it is not my message.
They know my message better than the people who berate them about my message.
Anyone who has listened to my content in full understands that it is geared to make listeners
And Critically thinking members of society.
I am not misogynistic, I believe women should be protected, provided and cared for.
I believe men have a masculine instinct to defend and take care of their loved ones as well as society.
Young men understand my message.
Love, honor and respect your family,
Be diligent, disciplined and hard-working,
Always do the right thing and live with a pure heart.
The Matrix has tried to misconstrue my message to the world.
And despite my repeated clarifications,
The Matrix continues to repeat its lies.
But I'm certain that it will fail.
I have made my message very clear and repeatedly clarified it.
I believe in traditional masculine values, I believe it is a man's sacred DUTY to be competent and capable of protecting and providing for his family.
You can listen to my message in full here:
Billions of dollars are not enough to convince boys to not want a better life.
My message is very simple and well-understood.
I've heard the UK government is spending Billions of dollars to tell young men my message is toxic.
They are now doing Anti Tate campaigns in schools.
It saddens me to see billions of dollars are spent to try present some warped and horrible message as my own.
Evolution requires PAIN. While others complain they do not feel happy enough, I’m happy I’m struggling.
I don’t want to be happy.
I want to be great.
This is the beauty of life as a MAN.
The universe gives it to everybody who genuinely tries.
Watch the full interview: rumble.com/v209eb4-rob-mo…
Be everywhere 15 mins early NO EXCUSES for an entire month.
Guaranteed you’ll never be late for anything ever again.
Being late - is disrespectful. If you wanna get far in life, you’ll meet important people.
You can never, ever, ever, be late.
I have seen on the Romanian News something very interesting.
We will see if the mainstream media will continue to try and keep it hidden.
My enemies will fail.
There's always courageous men who will look for the answers they seek.
I would never kill myself. twitter.com/CensoredMen/st…
Their lies are collapsing
And do not mix truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know.
Surah Al-Baqarah : 42
I can communicate and write to my students inside The Real World.
I can positively influence the world.
I can still change lives.
I am locked in a cell, for now.
But it could be worse.
I exist falsely imprisoned with a smile.
Mindset is the solid foundation for any endeavor you may counter.
Mindset is what allows you to endure with a smile.
I am locked in a cell.
But my brother is still alive.
And complaining isn’t going to fix a thing.
You're stranded in the ocean on a life raft.
Blistering sun. No food. No water. No radio. No hope of rescue.
Now imagine the same situation without the life raft.
Which would you choose?
Ok. Then would you prefer this and that OR this and that with the flu?
I’m trying to explain why I don’t care when people tell me they're sad or upset or stressed or burnt out.
I don’t care.
It could be worse. It isn’t.
Would you choose to be sad or to be set on fire?
Stressed or to lose a limb?
Genuine question.
You have to ask yourself these questions because it’s very easy to frame yourself in a favorable position.
Present yourself two choices. Your current situation or a worse situation.
Sit and genuinely imagine the less favorable of the two.
Appreciate you have the better of the realities and press forward.
I’m sad - but I’m not on fire.
I’m stressed - but I have two arms.
I found a 4 meter stretch of empty cell.
250 laps is a kilometer.
2500 laps is ten kilometers.
It's snowing in Bucharest.
I open my window and put on all my clothes,
went deep into my imagination,
and finished a 10km stretch across the Arctic Tundra.
There are two possible futures of the universe
One, they kill me
Two, I emerge as one of the most respected and influential men on the planet galvanized by false persecution
I ask my enemies to make a choice
I will stay awake tonight prepared for mortal combat
Send your best
Why ‘they’ want to destroy the baseline morality inside humans
Watch the full interview: youtu.be/t8-43XC5ZL4
They’ve brainwashed you.
That's why you can feel something isn’t quite right.
Your soul, is fighting against the poison they’ve injected into your MIND.
You must be true to yourself.
Your masculine urge of conquest. Do not be defeated by apparition.
Being broke, unconnected and weak should bother you deep inside.
And only once it deeply bothers you, you will truly attempt to fix it.