Andrew Tate(@Cobratate)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

We've been filming Tate Confidential since 2019. Watch them all here.…
There is no man alive who achieved amazing things alone. Steve Jobs had a team. Tyson had a trainer. YOU NEED a network. So look at the one you currently have... Exactly. You need an upgrade. Access to resources and knowledge.
Derive happiness from your achievements, it lasts much longer and costs less e.g. gym gains. Dopamine BS. Booze. Cigarettes. Fast food etc. Is expensive and very temporary. Not to mention quick "happiness" is nearly always bad for you. Pay for satisfaction with hard work.
There is no joy without pain Watch the full interview:
The main reason people insult you is to distract you. When someone’s focusing energy on making progress, the jealous attempt to divert their attention. Every time you reply. They win.
I will emerge from jail a better person. But a better person needs better people. My closest team may be enjoying freedom But the burden to increase in diligence, competence and professionalism is shared by us all.
I stay ready for war.
You will become rich and retire your Mum. You will turn yourself from total shit to the absolute best. I may be hated by the mainstream media for emailing these truths to you. But those who listen and understand will become great.
The war is never-ending. Your fire can never go out. The eternal flame which burns your eternal rage. UNLIMITED WILL TO FIGHT. Being truly thankful for what you have and what you're building towards. You will work 15-hour days and still make time for the gym.
The ability to do the uncomfortable in its name. To sit your fat ass on a chair and say "I'm thankful for" while watching Netflix and stuffing your face with chips means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. When swords are drawn Will you DIE to defend it? YES OR NO? ARE YOU THANKFUL? OR NOT?
You will struggle either way. Struggle is CERTAIN. HERE IS WHAT YOU MUST DO. Make a list of all you're thankful for and write next to each one how you will fight harder to improve or retain said item. All of it. THAT is true thankfulness.
The traditional man of the household is not afforded such luxury. And the temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of FAILING. STRUGGLE to be a somebody. Or STRUGGLE in life as a nobody. I chose to become a somebody.
If you're a man of any value at all you will be overworked and underappreciated. You will finish the day tired and dirty, prepared to do the same thing again tomorrow. What's the alternative? To quit? Quitting is a luxury reserved for those whose family does not depend.
You may have your health now but I promise you, if you do not fight for her she will leave you. Along with your money and girlfriend and the love of your children. This is the reality of life as a man.
You’re not thankful for something if you won’t fight to keep it. From your 6pack to your girlfriend. Fighting to maintain and retain, fighting to gain or obtain. THAT shows genuine appreciation.
You’re desperate to constantly travel because you’re miserable. Rich enough to travel constantly but doesn’t? Happy person. Contentment isn’t a city you’re going to discover. If you’re genuinely proud of who you are and how you live - you have zero desire to forever wander.
The truth of my message manifests itself into men who are strong of body and strong of mind. The Matrix wants men weak so it can enslave us. This is why they lie about me. Adin is looking stronger. We'll try those push ups again when I'm free @adinross ❤️…
The reason there’s a large men’s mental health crisis Watch the full interview:
Conquest is the key to happiness. If you want to be happy? You need to find a way to fight and win.
Great men are always afraid. They just do it anyway.
How I feel has zero bearing on how I live my life I will do the exact same tasks with the exact same vigor Happy? Sad? I want to win REGARDLESS Think of every bad decision you’ve ever made See the EMOTION involved? Your MIND must be stronger than your feelings
You need a competitive mindset to outcompete. Watch the full interview:
Dig a hole big enough to stand in. It’s good for your upper body. It takes resolve and will. And it’s a reminder of where you’re going to end up. Once the hole is dug, fill it up - and go LIVE YOUR LIFE.
God is constantly trying to speak to you if you're paying attention. Of all the cells in this jail, I had been assigned room number 5 I am the man from room 5.
I disavow all drug use, I disavow all criminality and I disavow all violence. My message is pure and positive. Billions of dollars cannot mask this truth. It's just tax dollars being wasted.