आज शाम आध्यात्म नगरी हरिद्वार में हर की पौड़ी पर मां गंगा की आरती कर आशीर्वाद लेने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। मां गंगा के पवित्र, निर्मल जल के स्पर्श से मन की शांति और स्थिरता का एहसास हुआ। मां गंगा की कृपा हम सब पर सदैव बनी रहे ।
हर हर गंगे, नमामि गंगे ।
The irony was quite stark. PM @narendramodi launched #Ujjwala2 for women & interacted with women SHGs under the Aatmanirbhar Narishakti Samvad & the opposition manhandled a lady marshal in parliament. Some will try to spin this differently, but these are just facts.
1950- Indian PM declines an offer for a permanent seat at #UNSC to gift it to China.
2021- Indian PM chairs high-level UNSC meet for the first time in history.
PM @narendramodi has revamped our diplomatic relations & got the world welcome #NewIndia
In his #MannKiBaat address today, PM @narendramodi talked about Isaac Munda who hails from a village in the Sambalpur district of #Odisha. Isaac was as a daily wage labourer but now is an internet sensation and is earning from his Youtube channel.
He’s an inspiration for us.
Proud of @ianuragthakur for carrying India’s flag into the #Tokyo2020 Olympics. May our players bring India glory & success at the world stage. For #HumaraVictoryPunch, I
am nominating @GautamGambhir @ImRaina @MangteC & @PTUshaOfficial to show our support for the
Indian🇮🇳 Team. twitter.com/ianuragthakur/…
The opposition and Lutyens media can now eat crow for all their propaganda against the government over #Pegasus. They were barking up the wrong tree. The government did not snoop on any of these attention seeking journos. A classic tale of assumption superseding real facts. twitter.com/KimZetter/stat…
पहले मुख्यमंत्री जी ऑक्सीजन संकट के वक्त झूठ बोलते थे, अब उनके मंत्रीगण । दिल्ली सरकार अपने लिखित हलफनामे में कहती है कोई भी मौत ऑक्सीजन की कमी से नहीं हुई और फिर इन्हीं के मंत्रीगण उल्टा सवाल भी पूछते हैं।
" उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डांटे" twitter.com/ANI/status/141…
Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of the original, authentic, biggest #RathaJatra in Puri, Odisha. Because of #COVID restrictions, devotees can't pull the rath, but watch it on TV/online May Mahaprabhu Jagannath bless everyone with good health, happiness & prosperity🙏
The opposition in India @ShashiTharoor betrays the still scathing heartache of a dispossessed elite. No wonder they are resorting to an illogical campaign against Prime Minister @narendramodi’s Central Vista project.
I write @htTweets : hindustantimes.com/opinion/the-ce…
Attended the @BJP4Delhi State Executive meeting addressed by Shri @ianuragthakur Ji alongwith State President @adeshguptabjp Ji & office bearers. Gratitude to all our karyakartas for the tremendous work they are doing. We will work with the vision of 'Sewa'
This is big! Supreme Court orders the few states not implementing the Modi govt's #OneNationOneRation card to do so. Drastically cuts corruption & eases access to PDS food anywhere (eg 6m migrants being denied in Delhi). See the states (Delhi, Bengal, Chattisgarh) & you know why.
This graph will baffle many, but it’s a testimony of unhindered vision, firm resolute and proactive policymaking. Congratulations to team @narendramodi Ji on surpassing the US in one month of vaccine drive.
🇮🇳India- 323.66 mn jabs
🇺🇸 The US- 323.33 jabs.
-Union govt funded 6 O2 plants but Delhi govt only gave ok to build 1
-Delhi CM said O2 is plenty, in 3 days said big shortage
-Union govt arranged O2, but Delhi did not distribute
-To shift blame, CM falsely projected 4x requirement
-Court appointed O2 audit has exposed his lies
.@BJP4Delhi State President Shri @adeshguptabjp and LOP Shri @RamvirBidhuri are addressing an important Press Conference. #ArrestKejriwal
The threat to India is no longer from J&K leaders who had been shaped by systemic incentives to mouth platitudes to the constitution while playing footsie with enemies. They are reconciling to being fully Indian. The threat is from old Lutyens hands who now feel betrayed by them.
The #DarkDaysOfEmergency began this day in 1975. Constitution subverted, all opposition leaders jailed, 1000's brutalised, media censored, all to stop one person being removed from office after a court judgment. Beware its heirs who make false equivalences to dilute their stigma.
Discount the spin & these facts are indisputable:
1) Yesterday India deployed a record 8.5 million Covid vaccine doses
2) Yesterday the Delhi govt had 1.1 million vaccines in stock, yet only deployed 7% of them
3) Today it did another fake drama about not getting enough vaccines
Ouch... twitter.com/HardeepSPuri/s…
An insightful, balanced piece by @AbhishBanerj of a raging inequity that is staring at us in the face, yet is barely spoken of. That this was sent to me by a family friend who taught me Shakespeare when i was in school says a lot about today's "Liberalism"
It was a pleasure to receive Shri @sarbanandsonwal Ji who is visiting Delhi. Former CM of Assam & minister in the union govt, he is widely admired. We spoke of several matters concerning Assam, the northeast & the nation.
Those who have falsely portrayed various kinds of violence as communal have an agenda to build a narrative. But what's remarkable about yesterday's fake news was that it sought to incite by portraying a purely secular incident (victim & most assailants of same faith) as communal.
-You act like media (opine, edit, censor)
-Unlike them, you stay protected from legal consequences by neutral platform regulations
-You take partisan positions, label some, boost others, fan hatred, incite riotous tensions
-You scoff at the law
-You made your bed, now lie on it
On this day last year we lost 20 of India's bravest in the #GalwanValley . They are remembered, saluted, cherished. The nation is proud of our bravehearts in uniform, whose supreme sacrifice protects & secures the rest of us. Never forget. Jai Hind 🙏