Today is the one year anniversary of #831PrinceEdwardAttack, where riot officers charged into the MTR station, pepper sprayed and clobbered passengers on the train whom they accused of being protesters. #HongKong graphic artist Hksymbolendar recounts the incident with this video.
#HongKongPolice hold up the blue flag in Central, warning of unlawful assembly and shooing pedestrians from the sidewalk.
Harcourt Romanticist created a new artwork based on an unforgettable scene from 2 years ago, when #HongKong protesters stormed Legislative Council on the anniversary of the handover. “It feels hypocritical to say add oil, when I also can’t find any,” he wrote.
“Liberate #HongKong; Revolution of Our Time”. A round of slogan chanting at #TiananmenVigil
My hairdresser spotted an elderly sitting across from the street, eating in the staircase under the rain, and invited him in.
A friend placed chairs outside her studio and told construction workers to simply ring the bell if they want to come in for lunch.
HK, do what you can. twitter.com/sumlokkei/stat…
Glamx, a boutique in #HongKong, has been importing and selling masks. They’ve been extra cautious after recent mask heists, yet someone threw red paint over their staff and stock earlier today. “I cannot fathom why and who would do this at such a time,” they wrote on Facebook.
WeChat is many apps in one - messaging, videocalls, cashless payment, reading the news, calling taxi, etc. It’s very convenient, but it also means once it’s suspended, you immediately lose access to all of that, with disastrous consequences esp at a time like this. twitter.com/lqq91926/statu…
Heavy police presence - and interesting attire - in Causeway Bay, where protesters are gathering for the annual Jul 1 march in defiance of police ban. It is also the first #HongKongProtest since the sweeping national security law took effect last night.
Mingpao reported that the Film Censorship Authority asked the director of Far From Home to cut 14 parts of her film, change its name, and add a warning that says the activities depicted may constitute a crime.
After reviewing the documentary on HK protests, OFNAA returned the DVD in pieces, claiming staff members accidentally broke it during the process of review. Ying E Chi cinema noted it's the first time this has happened in 20 years. twitter.com/elson_tong/sta…
"The young woman keeps two timers on her phone: one counting down until her anniversary with her boyfriend, the other tracking how many days it has been since he vanished at sea." She seems far more mature than her age implies, supporting his family...
I spoke to four young Chinese residents, who joined various protests in #Shanghai, Zhuhai and Chengdu over the weekend. Few are under the illusion the protests would lead to meaningful changes, but here's their experience and what they have to say: vice.com/en/article/qjk…
The retaliation itself is shocking enough, but the fact that it also includes Hong Kong, which used to be an exception and where reporters can cover China from. The impact is also significant, because while protests have come to a halt, its only temporary wsj.com/articles/china…
Many people have noted the militarisation of public urban space in #HongKong. Also interesting is the attempt to blend them in. MTR stick wallpaper with ceramic tiles pattern on metal gates added last December. Photo: Jimmy Lam from USP
A 22-year-old lifeguard is sentenced to four years in jail for rioting. He is the first defendant to admit guilty to riot charges. He was arrested on June 12, when thousands surrounded the LegCo to protest the reading of controversial extradition bill. news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
#HongKong artist @AhTo_comic on the health code system the government is pushing for.
“Good boy! If you don’t accept citywide testing we won’t resume dining-in.”
“Good boy!”
“Good boy!”
“Good boy!”
Days after Stand News was forced to shutter, @hkcnews_com announced it will stop operating starting on Tuesday. “Standing in the eye of the storm with the waves roiling, our little boat faces harsh conditions. In crisis, we must first ensure everyone on the boat is safe.”
Production of the coming season of political satirical show Headliner has been stopped and previous episodes that received complaints will also be pulled down, says RTHK. This came after the public broadcaster was given a serious warning by authorities. news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…