Each time a calamity befalls Muslims or a tyrant ruler oppresses them in any part of the world where the community is defenseless, they look at @OIC_OCI but Alas! they return empty handed. For how long will OIC remain spinelessly silent?Will it ever come to rescue #IndianMuslims?
Stop taking us Muslims for idiots or cowards. There's been enough of deception and double-standard in the name of international community and humanitarian laws.What's happening to the Palestinians is wild tyranny in the name of UNSC decisions. Answer these👇questions if you dare
The boycott of Indian products has begun in the Islamic world starting at Sabah Al Nasir coop. in Kuwait. The Arab world is uniting to defend the human rights of Muslims in India specially the women. We demand the @UNHumanRights to intervene and stop Hindutva carnage on Muslims.
Keeping this goodwill gesture and purely humanitarian and brotherly act on our part , I hope the India regime will ask @Swamy39 to unconditionally apologise for calling kuwaiti govt. "Namak Haram" else the anger its people will tell upon our relationship twitter.com/MEAIndia/statu….
Those hypocrites who sold babri Masjid will sell the #Hijab of Muslim women in India. O Muslims of India you are doomed by the traitors who are masquarading as your political & religious leaders. The hypocrite MP will once again strike a deal with his Hindutva masters. #SaveHijab
To all my Indian Muslim brothers and sisters, i recommend you to recite this dua اللهم أرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا إتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلاً وارزقنا اجتنابه
Because only Allah can open your eyes to the hypocrisy of the MP and expose his sinister deal with his Hindutva masters #YaRab
Our heart goes out to the innocent people of Ukraine who have done nothing wrong to deserve a war, just like the innocent people of Palestine. We wish and pray an immediate cessation of hostilities in both Ukrain and Palestine. #PrayForPeace #Russia #Kuwait
Indian Muslims are under incessant attack by the terrorist party BJP/RSS. Let’s help our brothers and sisters by all means possible. Join us at #Help_Indian_Muslims
Is the world waiting for another Germany or Rwanda scale holocaust ? Look at he rising number of detention camps being built in India as a precursor to the impending Muslim genocide. Silence is not the answer .We must act @UNHumanRights @OIC_OCI @nytimes muslimsofindia.in/the-auschwitz-…
There was no Eid prayer in Kashmir today , Muslims of the valley are debarred from celebrating the sacred festival and the Masajid were locked by armed Hindus in the uniform. Seething under the shadow of Hindutva guns the voiceless Muslims of Kashmir need our prayers and support.
The leader who claims to lead the biggest democracy of the world compels @Twitter to withhold my account in his country India.Because I condemned his spokes-persons who insulted our beloved prophet ﷺ He should introspect his acts. We’ll continue to expose his party’s violations
Our Sikh brothers of Punjab have helped Kashmiri Muslim students and dropped them home protecting them from Hindutva goons. We won’t forget that. Muslims are with Sikhs in their struggle against the tyranny of ruling Hindus. Together we will defeat tyranny . Thank you! twitter.com/SinghIs9772993…
Kuwait is a piece of paradise on earth. It’s a land of humanity, care, sacrifice, courage and wisdom. Always ready to take on whoever challenges its integrity or invades humanity anywhere in the world. It’s a land of the brave so think twice before throwing down the gauntlet.
عاش والله كفو twitter.com/d2022Q/status/…
This is not only Indian products being deshelved in Kuwaiti Coops. but also the anti-Muslim extremist Bhartiye Janata Party being thrown into the dustbin of history. Arabs have decided to stand for the rights of the persecuted Muslims of India #SaveHijab twitter.com/Awwalkwt/statu…
We demand the expulsion of Indian ambassadors from all Muslim countries as a sign of protest against the tyranny of Indian govt. on Muslim women. Police attacking #Hijab clad women is nothing but an open barbarism and a clear violation of International Human rights laws.
The govt. of the USA along with its partners and allies in the Middle East have condemned the brutal act of the Hindutva regime in stripping the #Hijab of helpless Muslim students in India. If the global outrage effects the NRIs blame it on BJP. twitter.com/IRF_Ambassador…
#احمد_النواف سدد الله خطاك وكثر من أمثالك الشرفاء
Unspeakable brutality is happening to our Muslim brothers in India at the hands of the Hindu extremist war gang RSS,This criminal terrorist group and its followers in Kuwait and the Gulf seek to destroy Islam.We must stop granting visas to Hindu Indians because they threaten us.
To all the civilised nations & the heads of human rights organisations, Why are you silent on the everyday brutal killings of innocent Muslims of India? Social media platforms are full of evidences of repression & violations of all international and humanitarian laws. @unhrcpr
It’s not only their parents even angels protect children, it’s only a war that makes the kids so lonely and vulnerable. Humanity cries when kids are hurt. Don’t do this man, stop the war. Let the kids smile! #Ukrain e #Russia #SaveChildren
لله الحمد والفضل والمنة محكمة الوزراء برئاسة المستشار نصر ال هيد تقضي ببراءة موكلي جسار عبدالرزاق الجسار وكيل وزارة الدفاع من تهمة الاختلاس والاستيلاء وتسهيل الاستيلاء على المال العام في القضية المعروفة بإسم صندوق الجيش والمتهم بها رئيس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية