Boris Johnson(@BorisJohnson)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

One year on from the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore, we remember him as a national inspiration, a hero, whose extraordinary fundraising gave us hope during this country’s deepest post-war crisis. His legacy lives on in the @captaintommoore Foundation.…
Fantastic news that Airbus are further investing in Broughton in North Wales, bringing high-quality jobs, boosting growth and driving the Welsh economy forward.…
We’re making record investments in our NHS. But we also need to do our bit. If you’re eligible come forward and get your booster jab, giving you extra protection from Covid this winter. #GetBoosted
As the countries with the greatest contributions to global warming, the G20 holds the key to unlocking global action on climate change. This weekend at #G20Italy I’ll be calling for ambitious steps on coal, cars, cash and trees that will build the net zero economy of the future.
Let’s get it done.
We’ve got 3 days to get Brexit done.
THREAD: 1/4 We are fast-approaching a critical moment for our planet and our people, when – in just one month’s time – world leaders will gather in Glasgow for the long-awaited @COP26 climate summit.
Wishing a happy St Andrew’s Day to everyone celebrating today in Scotland, across the UK and around the world 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #StAndrewsDay
The success of our efforts, which we are already seeing, will come all the faster if we follow the guidance, maintain the basic disciplines that have got us through thus far, and together - we will beat this virus.
On #StephenLawrenceDay we reflect on his legacy & the part we all must play in building a fairer society where young people can achieve their dreams. My thoughts are with Stephen's family, who fought hard for justice, and all those who have lost loved ones to barbaric racism.
Boosters are vital in giving us extra protection, and 9 million people have already come forward to get theirs. We know vaccine immunity reduces over time. We mustn't be complacent this winter. So please get yours when you get the call.
Great to meet @OlafScholz today and discuss how we deepen UK-German #Freundship. Our nations are allies, @NATO partners with shared democratic values. We are united in defending European security in the face of Russian aggression.
Delighted to visit @stwater today, who are leading the way in building back better from the pandemic by delivering world-class training via our Kickstart scheme. Their brilliant Academy will support young people to gain the skills they need to secure long-term jobs.
Going green will bring our bills down - the answer is not to go back to fossil fuels, the answer is to double down on new technology. Great to speak to Gail @ArcticBasecamp and Axel @Reuters in Davos last week.…
Looking forward to meeting His Highness Sheikh @TamimBinHamad again today. Qatar is a vital partner of the UK in the Middle East and in challenging times I believe there's much more we can do together, from boosting investment to diversifying our energy supplies 🇬🇧🇶🇦
We’re taking action to bust the backlogs by creating 44 new NHS Diagnostic Hubs. These one stop shops will provide all the scans, tests and procedures that people need. We’re getting on with the job as we invest in the people’s priorities and #BuildBackBetter.
The diggers have been whirring into action, transforming this site in Leeds into an incredible new hospital. We’re getting on with the job of building 48 new hospitals in England, investing in the people’s priorities as we #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic.
Today I was honoured to attend a service at Armagh Cathedral to mark Northern Ireland’s Centenary Year. #NIBeyond100
It was a privilege to speak to @NHSVolResponder and @stjohnambulance volunteers from Rochdale and Cornwall yesterday. They've helped get jabs into arms quickly and efficiently. We couldn’t do it without them. I am very grateful for their continued dedication.
Great to see Australia commit to reach net zero by 2050. They join a growing club - over 80% of the global economy is now committed to net zero. I look forward to welcoming @ScottMorrisonMP to Glasgow next week to deliver a successful @COP26.
If you have coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of taste or smell) you need to self-isolate and get tested. There is plenty of capacity and anyone with symptoms is eligible. Order a test from 1/2
A pleasure to meet @SenatorRisch and reiterate our joint commitment to supporting Ukraine #ukrainemustwin
We’re going to level up bus services across the country, making them cheaper, greener and more reliable. Great to be at the @nationalexpress Coventry depot to launch our National Bus Strategy yesterday.
Fantastic that over 1 million more disabled people are in employment compared to 5 years ago. We're investing £1.3bn in employment support for disabled people and championing inclusive recruitment through our Disability Confident Scheme. This is levelling up.…
Throughout the pandemic, so many businesses have done amazing work to support their staff and their community. And we’re going to do right by them too. Follow my LinkedIn page for updates on the latest guidance and support for businesses.…