Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

mark zuckerberg suggests congress consider limiting teen secretion of tears
I struggle to understand why you would invest an incomprehensible fortune to produce something so sanitized and boring that the mere thought of visiting it makes people want to log off.
Reporters following up on this story should look at the burning question @washingtonpost inexplicably failed to raise: how the IC transitioned from subverting crypto via foreign cut-outs to corrupting domestic companies like RSA (reuters.com/article/2013/1…) (and through them NIST). twitter.com/Snowden/status…
I want to see an end to the conflict in Ukraine, and frankly, I think all reasonable people share that position. The question nobody seems to want to contend with is whether amplifying official claims made without evidence are reducing hostilities, or are in fact provoking them.
For a twenty year-old game, it aged well. twitter.com/DeusEx_Ebooks/…
Wow, the Financial Times (@FT) has my memoir #PermanentRecord as a book of the year. Have you read it yet? What did you think? static.macmillan.com/static/holt/pe…
The @ACLU is exactly right, here. Call Congress. twitter.com/ACLU/status/16…
The Greatest Conspiracies are Open and Notorious: youtube.com/watch?v=e0zAJf…
@RepMTG I actually disagree. I hate being lied about, sure, but that's not only the right of every journalist, it's the right of every person. You can't make it a crime to lie without making the government, the cops, and the courts the arbiters of truth. I'd rather suffer the lies.
I've been using @OBSProject for years. It's good software. Accept no substitutes.
In all my years studying classified material I was never able to discover who exactly is keeping the train- and truck-driver game industry in business. They're still out there, somewhere, and we are powerless to stop them. tram-sim.com
Winner was denied a fair trial due to be charged under the unconstitutional Espionage Act—for working with journalists to inform the public. Biden has a responsibility to correct this injustice by pardoning her—and ensuring journalists' sources are never again treated as spies. twitter.com/bjwinnerdavis/…
I am beginning to suspect we are not in a good place.
you do know if we fail the raid, the server goes down, right
For fear of intolerance, many of today's best minds in so-called free, democratic states have stopped trying to say what they think and feel and have fallen silent. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
And arrogant? Me? Well, I suppose I have to be guilty of something. Merry Christmas.
Sometimes it only takes a few people with the right skills to undermine a censorship campaign. "9 servers he raised alone had 155,762 users from Kazakhstan between January 4 and 11." codastory.com/authoritarian-…
For all those still working behind the keyboards at the institutions of great power, take a moment to appreciate that National Whistleblower Day and Sysadmin Day this year happen on the same day. Maybe it's a sign. Stay free, my friends. openaccessgovernment.org/sysadmin-day/1…
I'm surprised the Stable Diffusion / ChatGPT / Generative AI projects haven't come hard for (at least instrumental) music, yet. If they can cop Caravaggio, surely they can remix chiptunes.
The Streisand Effect is alive and well. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
It will never stop being funny to me that there is some kind of long-running mutual suspicion between the Danes and the Swedes, and if you ever ask them what it's all about, as soon as they overcome their shock at your total ignorance they start talking about cannons and kings.