Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

We're live in a half hour. twitter.com/MijenteComite/…
TIME paints here a very different picture of the Ukraine crisis, reporting that it is a drive to censor and criminalize the domestic political opposition—a drive encouraged by the White House—that has brought some to believe war is the only option. time.com/6144109/russia…
A donation to @FreedomofPress on #GivingTuesday helps us develop @SecureDrop, the high-security whistleblower submission system relied on every day by the world's most important newsrooms. Help us fight for the future of news, and keep whistleblowers safe: freedom.press/donate/
1. people who accept climate change and think it is caused by humans 2. people who accept climate change and think it is caused by nature 3. people who don’t accept climate change at all What do they have in common? edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/the-new-deni…
Let me be clear: export regulations, licensing, and reviews have been in place for years. They did not work, and cannot work. A moratorium on the trade in intrusion software is the bare minimum for a credible response—mere triage. Anything less and the problem gets worse. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
How else can NSO's country-code targeting prohibition be bypassed? Simple: 1) Target a specially-prepared device *you control* in an eligible country code 2) Forensically capture each exploit stage as it's served to your trap device 3) Reverse it 4) Retarget anyone, anywhere twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The newly-elected mayor of New York City: twitter.com/ericadamsforny…
*chuckles* you mean the chaos emeralds? twitter.com/BNONews/status…
Dies bedroht die Rechte aller. twitter.com/andre_meister/…
Whether we like it or not, adversaries and allies share a common environment, and with each passing day, we become increasingly dependent on devices that run a common code. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/ns-oh-god-ho…
“It is my wish that none of the letters written by me during my lifetime shall be published.” Hemingway—and so many others—in the days before every action and utterance was irrevocably appended to the Permanent Record. us.macmillan.com/books/97812502…
Reporters writing on the Apple-NSO story should understand this lawsuit would not be *possible* without the years-long investigations of @citizenlab, who are close to single-handedly responsible for uncovering the bulk of what we know about the NSO group's darkest deeds. twitter.com/jsrailton/stat…
"You will own nothing and be happy." edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cbdcs
@bengalgod Are you high? The lesson isn't to pick a different charlatan to worship, it is to stop worshipping charlatans.
For what reason do we aspire to maintain—or achieve—a nation of laws, if not to establish justice? edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/americas-ope…
Bitcoin was ~$5,000. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Anybody at Twitter who cares about what advertisers think should not be working at Twitter. Twitter lives or dies based on a single metric: is the most important conversation in the world happening here? Make it fun and make it matter. That's how you win.
Don't miss this extraordinary profile of my good friend @WolfgangKaleck's lifelong battle against impunity for official crimes. He is the reason many Bush-era officials—including Bush himself—have been afraid to travel to Europe. newrepublic.com/article/160515…
CBP abused intelligence databases to trawl through the private lives of 15-20 American journalists in a manner that the Inspector General reported it to the Justice Department as a criminal conspiracy. But the government refused to prosecute. news.yahoo.com/operation-whis…
🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎶 ...again. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
With respect, the docs say the "sequencer nodes" save the hashes (identifiers) produced by scanning people's eyes to your database. Apple does not, IIRC, catalog raw bio hashes—they're encrypted on-device (via enclave). The result of Worldcoin's "Phase 1" is an eyeball catalog. twitter.com/sama/status/14…
also if you are mad at this tweet you probably need to reduce your position size.
The @CJR review of post-2016 reporting is long, but important. The TL;DR conclusion: corpo media knowingly suppressed facts that cut against popular narratives, ignored denials, eagerly laundered partisan attacks via "anonymous sources," and refuses to reflect on mistakes.
extremely strong feelings on this site about the color of cans of interchangeable sugar-waters advertising works
An excerpt from my thoughts on the tragic conclusion to our invasion of Afghanistan⁠—a hell of our own making. If you're not yet on the mailing list, you can access the full article using this link: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/kabul )