Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

The more censorship happens at this level, the more its very existence is hidden from the public. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
oh no they're on to me t.co/8xXzCxU8rt
This is the effect of the institutional exploitation of the internet, of corporate algorithms that thrive on controversy and division: the degradation of the soul as a source of profit. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
For fear of intolerance, many of today's best minds in so-called free, democratic states have stopped trying to say what they think and feel and have fallen silent. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
This is hugely significant for young people across the country. twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Europe should not extradite those accused of non-violent crimes to a court system so unfair—and prison system so cruel—that native-born defendants would rather die than become subject to it. Julian Assange could be next. Until the system is reformed, a moratorium should remain. twitter.com/PeterMcCormack…
Turns out McAfee was American, but born British. I regret the error.
Because everything with McAfee is complicated, it turns out he was still born American after all -- he was merely born outside the United States. I regret regretting the error.
Children are wonderful. I can lazily waggle my fingers, and my son is dripping with smiles, totally enraptured by the unlimited possibility of being. Adults watch world-champion gymnastics and are like, "Didn't exactly nail that landing, did she?"
This is the most significant 4th Amendment victory in quite some time, and will have national (and hopefully via norms, international) impact. We have a reasonable expectation that our daily movements will not be persistently monitored, and Baltimore violated that. twitter.com/ACLU/status/14…
Check the temperature in Moscow today before you tell me climate change is a hoax. A couple more years of this and they'll be planting palm trees.
My mentions: an endless scroll of this guy explaining to me what summers are like in the city I've lived in since 2013.
The depredations of surveillance have become more entrenched, with capabilities that used to be the province of governments now in the hands of private companies, too, which employ them to track, tether us, and attenuate our freedoms. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/lifting-the-…
This is the end of the case against Julian Assange. stundin.is/grein/13627/ke…
If Biden continues to seek the extradition of a publisher under an indictment poisoned top-to-bottom with false testimony admitted by its own star witness, the damage to the United States' reputation on press freedom would last for a generation. It's unavoidable. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The greatest conspiracies are open and notorious. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
This, in sum, is our problem: the truest conspiracies meet with the least opposition. edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
Very legal, very cool. twitter.com/CNBCnow/status…
In a remarkable moment of courage, Mike Gravel set an example that even today goes unreplicated—an example he continued to embody even decades after the cameras left. Rare is the Senator who will be remembered for righteous deeds. I will miss him. twitter.com/GravelInstitut…
Submitted without comment: "...Executive Order 12333 rules permit bulk, indiscriminate collection without a warrant. That has long raised privacy and civil liberties concerns about what the government may do with Americans’ private messages." nytimes.com/2021/06/29/us/…
I'm sure this is unrelated to anything else going on, but I thought you should know: apnews.com/article/govern…
You go to hell with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. twitter.com/jeremyscahill/…
"It took years — eight years and counting in exile — for me to realize that I was missing the point: we talk about conspiracy theories in order to avoid talking about conspiracy practices, which are often too daunting, too threatening, too total." edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/conspiracy-p…
Treason—and for good reason. #July4th