Read this thread. twitter.com/silkiecarlo/st…
This quotes one of the judges at the European Court of Human Rights today. It is hard to overemphasize how far we've come from the pre-2013 world when even the highest judicial authorities are beginning to acknowledge the devastating consequence of two decades' mass surveillance: twitter.com/silkiecarlo/st…
Six trillion dollars?
This is good for Bitcoin.
Journalists sometimes ask, "what changed?"
Everything. Everything changed:
Did you imagine "prison ships in the Bronx" in your cyberpunk dystopia? This should not be real, but it is: a floating black hole in the biggest of cities. Watch it. twitter.com/ava/status/139…
hvis der kun havde været en eller anden grund til at undersøge for mange år siden. åh hvorfor advarede ingen os twitter.com/DRNyheder/stat…
Biden is well-prepared to answer for this when he soon visits Europe since, of course, he was deeply involved in this scandal the first time around.
There should be an explicit requirement for full public disclosure not only from Denmark, but their senior partner as well. twitter.com/dwnews/status/…
Aber denken Sie daran: Es ist der Whistleblower, der der Feind ist. twitter.com/WDRinvestigati…
I 2013 bød den danske regering hemmeligt velkommen til et FBI-fly—beregnet til at kidnappe mig. På det tidspunkt syntes det mærkeligt, at de ville hjælpe med at skjule et andet lands forbrydelser. Det var ikke det Danmark, jeg forestillede mig. jyllands-posten.dk/politik/ECE840…
Schauen Sie zurück auf diese Geschichte und fragen Sie sich, ob diese Entscheidung frei von politischem Einfluss war.
In secret, a tiny coterie of generals and affiliated hawks led the United States to the brink of initiating a voluntary nuclear war with China and "very likely" the Soviet Union.
It is shocking that there has not been more attention paid to this story by media—or government. twitter.com/DanielEllsberg…
Sehr wichtig Thread: twitter.com/andre_meister/…
I've been working from home since the Obama administration. 🤔
Trump and Biden both demanded Google turn over the private emails of reporters in a bid to hunt down their sources. The new administration went so far as to seek a gag order on the Times to keep the public from learning about it.
It didn't work:
The only rights we enjoy are those we defend. twitter.com/kylepope/statu…
Just had Mountain Dew for the first time in decades. Not great, honestly. Was it always like this?
It is a tremendous indictment of our system that no President of either party cared to address this historically harsh sentence for a single count of whistleblowing. She had to make it through without them -- and even despite them. Respect.
Strength to her and her family. twitter.com/alisongrinter/…
I want to revive the original spirit of the older, pre-commercial internet—if not in form, then in function. A slower, more thoughtful, more creative space. You're invited:
(Thread:) This is the reality of the fully commercialized mainstream internet: an indigestible mass of shortest-form opinions, purposefully selected by algorithms to agitate us on platforms that are designed to record and memorialize our most agitated, reflexive responses. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
These responses are, in turn, elevated in proportion to their controversy to the attention — and prejudice — of the crowd. In the resulting zero-sum blood sport that public reputation requires, combatants are incentivized to occupy the most conventionally defensible positions...
...and all that it cost us was the very foundation of civil society: tolerance.
You can read the rest here:
One history of the Internet is the history of the individual's disempowerment, as governments and businesses both sought to monitor and profit from what had fundamentally been a user-to-user or peer-to-peer relationship. (Read the rest here: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/lifting-the-…)
"I wanted PGP to be used for human rights applications—to spread all over the world, especially to places where people needed protection from their own governments. But I couldn't say that out loud, because it would help the prosecutor prove intent." philzimmermann.com/EN/essays/PGP_…
"...young people are terrified to tweet. The assumption of good faith is dead. What matters is not goodness but the appearance of goodness. We are no longer human beings. We are now angels jostling to out-angel one another. God help us. It is obscene." chimamanda.com
Looking for a challenge? Here's a chance to protect the most impactful sources at the most important newsrooms in the world: freedom.press/jobs/job-openi…