Anime compositing director Kentarō Waki opens himself in English and shares his mental struggle. Animation industry can be a tough place. I really hope he can recover. 💪…
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.67 - OXIS-MUSCULA Original Design: son Watercolor Illustration : dad The two monsters combine to form a formidable opponent. Happy New Year!⭐️
« Somali and the Forest Spirit » Japanese animation TV series. French creator Vincent Nghiem is background director on the show. It’s the first time he is working at this position and wanted to create something very special.
Today #YouTube changed his policy regarding content "made for kids", which will affect monetization and therefore will make video production more difficult to sustain. If you enjoy our artworks, you can support us here: Thank you very much!
Si vous aimez ma chaîne YouTube… Vous pouvez nous soutenir sur Patreon pour qu'on continue les vidéos. Car je vais perdre les commentaires et probablement la monétisation de mes contenus (car contenu "for kids")! MERCI!!😊
The victim was a friend. Time for justice to be made, although nothing will make her come back.…
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.68 - KEY MASTER Original Designs: son Watercolor Illustration : dad
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.69 - HORNED SPIRIT of the Lake Original Design: son Illustration : dad
No social distancing measures in Japan. This is actually not good.
親子デザイン工房の本は一時的に50%OFFになっています! まだ読んでいない方は是非よろしくお願いします😊
Exactly 20 years ago. The student short film that started Code Lyoko project. I'm that old.😃…
Quick warming up doodle I did before work. 20 min.
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.70 - ELITE MECHANIC “Blueberry” Original Design: son Illustration : dad
Father & Sons' Design Workshop 親子デザイン工房 ✍️🎨 No.71 - PLASMA SPIKER Original Design: son Illustration : dad
Oh. An accurate article about problems of anime production in Japan. 👍…
To give some perspective about Japanese rates in animation. While animators earn around ¥5000 yens per animated cuts (lots of frames!), preproduction designers can be easily paid around ¥10,000~20,000 per design.
Great Ace Attorney artworks from 2015. I did the Universal Exposition design at that time too but it was used in the sequel 2 years later. The first game was too ambitious and they had to cut it in two parts.
This is not me. This is a scam. Do not buy.…
Traits de Famille vol.2 dispo en FRANCE! Voici quelques extraits:
La campagne pour la ressortie de la série Oban Star-Racers en blu-ray commence bientôt. Oeuvre ô combien importante pour moi, elle a tout lancé. Une occasion de voir ou revoir cette rare co-production franco-japonaise dans les meilleures conditions. #Kickstarter #oban
Basquash! (2009)