Eugene Lee Yang(@EugeneLeeYang)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Anyone who turns bleach into a weapon is a danger to society. Anyone who turns a rope into a noose is committing a hate crime. Anyone who cannot recognize that queer black people continue to be physically attacked in this country is contributing to the problem. #JussieSmollett
Respect Animation. Case in point: many animated films should have also been nominated for Best Picture.
Retweeting so they can be congratulated twice 💕…
Pixar doesn't just make movies. They create emotional and spiritual experiences.
Well shit. I guess I have to stop identifying as Slytherin and start saying that I’m an ambitious psychopathic bitch.
Hope my Avatar cosplays sparked a little joy for y'all this year! Now, back to your regularly scheduled angry gay Asian.
Y’all know I love talking cartoon dragons, hot Asian captains, and breaking out into song more than most people but I love Mulan kicking serious ass in a more realistic wartime drama. Our girl’s wushu flipping across China while maintaining a perfect blowout and I am here for it.
I cannot wait for more diverse, nondiscriminatory people to run big businesses because I'm tired of questioning if my gas or gym or chicken sandwich hates me.
Who are some amazing trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming authors we should be reading? Comment and share any recommendations so we can show our support!
first watching Avatar: I relate so much to Zuko... rewatching 15 years later: ...aaand I’m Uncle Iroh now.
It takes 👌 much of your energy to be friendly to someone who works in hospitality, retail, food, or customer service While it takes ✋ 🤚 much of their energy to deal with your rude ass So many people need a smack across the head
You say your dog needs training, but you're the one who needs the training first. You think your pet needs you, but you're the one who doesn't need a pet. Loving something ≠ treating it with respect. This ignorant, casual abuse of animals is more commonplace than we think.
why not both?
I just realized that the reason I always quote Disney sidekicks is because they're who you actually grow up to become. Not a princess. Just someone who's told what to do and tries to do their job well while managing their own nervous breakdowns with a smile. THAT'S adulthood.
As someone who dislikes hugging, social distancing has taught me that I would much rather have the option to reject people's hugs than to have never hugged at all.
The startling reality that we can lose important historic sites in an instant and be able to witness it around the world is absolutely devastating. Notre-Dame is not just a building - it's a significant part of the French people and the heart of Paris. Désolé. 💔…
BREAKING NEWS: American Homophobes And Racists Slowly Realize No One Gives A Fuck About What They Think, Continue To Yell At Clouds
Sometimes life isn't about where you're's about who you wanna get the fuck away from.
Hear me loud and clear: this Supreme Court is going to constantly fuck with LGBTQ+ rights over the next generation. It would be your absolute privilege to know us. We are undoubtedly some of the best, fiercest friends you have yet to make. If you choose hate, it's your loss.
Minorities are not responsible for the repeated history of white men violently claiming power that was never rightfully theirs to begin with
Literally the short list of people who I wish nothing bad would happen to EVER is: 1) my family 2) innocent children 3) Tom Hanks
Now would be a great time for schools to revise all those U.S. and World History books that helped some of y'all develop these shitty white-centric opinions.
This is genuinely, extraordinarily beautiful. 🥹 #Oscars
Celebrities who remain quiet or can't find the right words are speaking up less than the account of a dead dog.
Hello, I am an ex-theater/band/choir kid, and I am still extremely dramatic.