
Congrats🥳 #BEFIRST #Gifted moved up to #5 on the #HotTrendingSongs weekly chart. Wondering how many more times I can celebrate for this song. Hope this lasts until the 2nd single is released sometime in the spring. Click this 👇 Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
#BEFIRST #Gifted stays in TOP 10 on the #HotTrendingSongs chart for 11th consecutive wk. BE:FIRST was formed thru "BMSG Audition 2021". Here is the first ep with English SUBS on @YouTube. Get your tissues ready 😭 Youtu.be/dLidZx0bpc4
#THEFIRSTFINAL is just around the corner! So excited to see all 3rd auditionees for #THEFIRST (Two guests and #SKYHI too😉) Well, I can only watch the part of 1/30 show on NTV/Tver or/and the delayed livestream after 2/5 on Hulu though 😅 Enjoy if you can make it!
The last song of the live #THEFIRSTFINAL may be #BEFIRST #Gifted. It's their first released song and the lyric "We all gifted" is not only about BE:FIRST, it's a message for all auditionees on the live and all audiences. Will see 😉 #HotTrendingSongs Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
We are all #Gifted and the 7 boys of #BEFIRST were born with gifts in the #BraveGeneration. They already got #KickStart ed to take #firststep to their dream. Not sure what title of their 2nd single, but maybe about themselves again🤔  #HotTrendingSongs Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
#BraveGeneration was just released on 1/30 as a digital coupling track on upcoming #BEFIRST 's 2nd single. It's totally different from their first single #Gifted that is #5 on the #HotTrendingSongs weekly chart. Check it out if you like rock😉 Youtu.be/ed70qqCl2yw
Yay. #BEFIRST #Gifted got 6th place on the #HotTrendingSongs chart. Never get tired of it. But, their new coupling track #BraveGeneration was stuck in my head somehow this morning😅 It's catchy and encouraging👐 BG: Youtu.be/ed70qqCl2yw Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
I'm celebrating #BEFIRST 3 month anniversary today, means I've been watching or/and listening #Gifted every single day for three months🤣Am I crazy? Maybe😉. Ok, today I'm watching its dance practice, not regular MV. HAHAHA #HotTrendingSongs youtube.com/watch?v=25FXGB…
Watched #THEFIRSTFINAL live stream 6h ago and now I can watch #BEFIRST #BraveGeneration from it on youtube😳That's a quick job😉I wanna watch #Gifted too😆 #HotTrendingSongs Youtu.be/Tar2TZduIl4
みんなのレポでも見ていたけど、#THEFIRSTFINAL での #SKYHI#NovelCore は別格って実感。見せ方、存在感、安定感が😳コア君に至っては2曲しか出ていないのに、凄い心に残っている。最後の号泣も😭 明日の #NovelCore_BIRTHDAYLIVE の配信でまた会える🥰
#BEFIRST’s Live performance of their song #BraveGeneration is so much better than LV. They ate CDs for breakfast? How many CDs did they eat? I bet a lot🤣 Don't eat too many🤣 #HotTrendingSongs #Gifted Youtu.be/Tar2TZduIl4
#BEFIRST's new single info was revealed the title is #ByeGoodBye. #BraveGeneration is the lead single of it. They're J-pop music for me which I like. Again realized #Gifted is different and special for me. Check out their live performance👇 Youtu.be/J4QGCpWQ3kg
#BEFIRST #BraveGeneration performance video is currently available on YouTube until Feb 28. Watch now!!! We have only 18 days left, means 432 hours, means 25920 min, means 1555200 sec left.. Umm?🤔 We have plenty of time?🤔 It's up to you 😆👇 Youtu.be/Tar2TZduIl4
Glad to hear #BEFIRST #Gifted MV's now surpassed 16M views on Youtube. Wheee 🥳 A lot of other online content on BE:FIRST these days, but still this number of views has been increasing. You know why? Check it out👇 #BEFIRST_Gifted_16M #HotTrendingSongs Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
Valentine’s day is not only for lovers😊 The best way to spend it for you is to spend it with the love of your life – food, drink, music, etc. If you love #BEFIRST's #Gifted, spend the day listening it all day long❤️🤣 Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
Congrats on 2M views of #BEFIRST #BraveGeneration live. 私は知っている。2年前、あるBoy groupのLiveが期間限定で公開、再生回数は増大、いろんな人が素敵なコメを多く残した結果、期間限定が取れた前例がある事を。 後でコメ書きにいこっ。#Gifted も寄っていこっと👍 Youtu.be/Tar2TZduIl4
I didn't really use SNS before, but now I check Twitter and Instagram everyday for #BEFIRST info. I'm changed. We're all changed. 🎵We just changed mita cotton mow nine cry🎵 You already know🎵 Here is the original song #Gifted👇 #HotTrendingSongs youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
#BEFIRST#BESTY 関連の記事は2回目。どの記事も世界での成功の鍵はSNSでの国内外ファンダムの盛り上がりが重要と。みんなができる事をできる範囲で、得意な人が得意な事を自発的にやるチーム、こんなイケてるチームなんざ他にない。YOU KNOW? (言ってみたかった😆) billboard-japan.com/special/detail…
Spring is just around corner🌸 #BEFIRST's 2nd single #ByeGoodBye will be out soon. Get yourself ready for the awesome song🔥 You are already ready for it? Cool, let's enjoy their 1st single #Gifted until then😝 #MusicLife #SongOfTheDay #JPOP Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
どした、#JPOP? 普段アメリカのニュースしかここに出ないけど、#SKYHI が出てびびった😳🤣
Guess how many weeks #BEFIRST's #Gifted in Top 10 on the #HotTrendingSongs weekly chart? 15 wks? Ummm, close! It's 14 wks at this point, but it will be 15 wks tomorrow for sure😆 Wooohooo 🥳 Their 2nd single #ByeGoodBye will be out soon😍
It's a good day to have a great day, so start it with #BEFIRST's songs. My recommendation is #Gifted for your big day, #BraveGeneration for the day to fight for something, and #ByeGoodBye for the sad day, but wanna stay positive. #HotTrendingSongs #songofjapan #SongOfTheDay
Europeで続々No more masksとかワクパス廃止。LAでもNo more masksになった。もうアクリル板取り払われて所もちらほら。昨夜はパーティー🎉日本入国審査も緩和。日本に帰ってBEFIRSTのDVDを受け取れる日も近いぞ😊🥰😭 My day starts with #BEFIRST's #Gifted, #BraveGeneration or #ByeGoodBye.
#BEFIRST's 2nd single #ByeGoodBye will be out on Mar 7th🎉 It's a drama theme song and I watched the Ep.1 today, so I could listen to the short ver of it😭 It's the catchy hook and the intro left the impression on me. Now it's time to listen to #Gifted 😆 #HotTrendingSongs
This is exactly teasing me😆 #BEFIRST's 2nd single #ByeGoodBye Teaser is now on Youtube. You can listen to the intro of it (8 sec) and no voice😂 That's why it's called "TEASER". #Gifted Teaser is a little better (13 sec) than this😆 #HotTrendingSongs Youtu.be/QAJAir3pg74