
Awww, I missed the 11M111K views of BE:FIRST: Gifted MV🥲 Not too late? Not too late? Let's celebrate it 🎉🎊🥳It's 11M173K now though 🤣 Congrats on reaching 11M173K views on youtube. ▶︎Gifted. / BE:FIRST MV youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #BEFIRST #MV1111万 #BEFIRST_Gifted_1111
Finally, winter is coming in LA. It was 66F (19C) today. Getting cold 😖 We just spoiled (by our weather)🎤 mitakotomo noi cry 🎤blah blah blah. We all spoiled 🎤🤣 Click this if you want to check the original song BE:FIRST Gifted. youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs
As far as I know, Ryuhei said he likes Matcha. Many his fans are aware of it. Then he said what he can eat everyday is roll cakes, then he said his favorite food is donuts on radio yesterday. Ummm? Was it game or test for fans? 🤣🤣 What's the next? #BEFIRST #Gifted #RYUHEI
I will never get tired of watching this MV. I will never get tired of watching this MV. I said same thing twice, coz THIS IS IMPORTANT 🤣🤣 BE:FIRST Gifted. youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted
I listen to Spotify when I drive, but I should listen to local radio more often 😅 Maybe I should do both 🤣🤣🤣 #HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted t.co/DgHu70TuL8
思わず口ずさんでしまうメロディー、スーッと入ってくる声、キャッチーなフック、深くてせつないリリック、そこに更に感情の色を足すダンス、ここにあり👇 Novel Core / THANKS, ALL MY TEARS youtu.be/YK900xbGnco #ThanksAllMyTears #NovelCore #RANくん
Rained my area in LA today. When was the last time it rained at daytime? Umm🤔We just spoiled (by our weather)🎵 mitakotomo noi cry 🎵blah blah blah..We all spoiled 🎵 Check out the original song BE:FIRST Gifted. youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted
One of rising stars 2021 in Japan is definitely a boy group BE:FIRST. Their debut song Gifted has been in top 10 on hot trending songs charts since it was released on Nov 3. Here is the next world-famous boy group! youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted
Sometimes life is hard. Some days are just rough. Maybe the best thing you can do is just cry until no more tears before you move forward. Life dose go on and tomorrow always comes. My own view of the song Thanks All My Tears youtu.be/YK900xbGnco #NovelCore #ThanksAllMyTears
Congrats on 12M views of BE:FIRST Gifted on youtube. Woohoo 🎉🎊🥳 It happened on SKY-HI's birthday. Happy belated birthday to SKY-HI 🎂 Still Dec 12 here though 🤣 ▶︎Gifted. / BE:FIRST MV youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #BEFIRST #Gifted #BEFIRST_Gifted_12M
Who is "BE:FIRST"? You may have this question since their debut song "Gifted." has been in top 10 on #HotTrendingSongs chart for over a month. It's a Japanese boy group and dominated streaming rankings. Check it out! youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #BEFIRST #Gifted
BE:FIRST is not a regular boy group which you've ever known. All seven #BEFIRST members are talented singers, dancers and songwriters. Some of them are rappers and choreographers too. Check out their first released song #Gifted. youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs
RYUHEI, youngest member of #BEFIRST usually has the first line of their song as #Gifted. He attracts you with just the emotion he puts through his voice and dance. His contemporary dance solo in the middle of the song catches your eye. Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs
MANATO, blonde hair one on MV #Gifted, is one of best all-rounders in #BEFIRST. He has an angelic voice and an incredible ability to hold notes and keep his voice stable while dancing. Don't miss his impressive riffs and runs at the end! Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs
ふと見たら、たくさんの方がフォロー, リツイ, ❤️してくれていて感激😭皆さんに感謝😊反応して下さった方、勝手にフォロー・フォロバーしてますのでこれからもYOLOです。#BEFIRST が世界に出るまで、英語でも呟き続きます😊 #BESTYと繋がりたい #BEFIRST_Gifted #BESTY
ちょっと前から気づいていた。#BMSG みんな好き、#BEFIRST もみんな好き。でも、見れば見るほど #MANATO がほんと1inch、いや1 feet, いやいや、1 yard, いやいやいや、1 mile長いくらい好きってことで、名前に🐧追加した。ただそれだけ🤣 #Gifted
#BEFIRST 's handsome guy, #LEO has a charming personality. U can even feel it through the screen when watching him in interviews or performances. His airy voice lights up their songs and his solid dance graces the performance. Youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU #HotTrendingSongs #Gifted
Must read this. It mentions #BESTY and the #HotTrendingSong chart since #BEFIRST #Gifted was released. The one of keys to #BEFIRST global success is that fandom overcomes country and cultural. billboard-japan.com/special/detail…
世界的によく使われるタグはTwitterで自動絵文字が付く。Hottrendingの青い炎、BのBUTTERのバター?とかマライアのリスサンタとか。もし、#BEFIRST #Gifted につけるとしたら、やっぱり🔥かなー。 #BEFIRST_Gifted 🔥 しっくりくる~ 🔥🔥🔥
英語でも呟きましたが、今年最高の発見は #THEFIRST。日本の音楽に無知なため、#SKYHI さんも正直知らず。オーディション番組は好きなので、YOUTUBEで見てみたら、はまった。何回見たんだろう🤣今ではBMSGの理念に賛同。みんなサポートするまでに😳人生って面白いね🤗
@billboard This is well-written. It covers so many interesting things, like #BEFIRST, #Gifted, #HotTrendingSongs chart, other music charts in Japan and Europe/US, Asian boy groups, etc. Also talking with different perspectives. I'm sure this writer is a very knowledgeable of music culture.
3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳👏 実は、私すかいひーさんから、あるTLにLIKEというお年玉をもらいまして。予想ですが、ある海外 #BESTY とやりとりをしていたきっかけで見てくれたのではと。 現在海外BESTY主導で、あるプロジェクトが動いているので、お手伝いする事に。2022年アジアが揺れるよ!
年明けすぐのTweetにたくさんの反応ありがとうございました。じ、じつは同じく海外 #BESTY のNoppimさんが手伝ってくれる事に🥰。お互い仕事もあるので、無理なく布教活動を他国のBESTYさんとやっていきたいです。いつか、それがきっかけでBESTYになったという人に会えるのを願って❤️
The first song I watched on @YouTube in 2022 was #BEFIRST #Gited which is #3 on #HotTrendingSongs chart this time. The song made my ears and eyes grow, so the song I watched today was better than yesterday. Will be better tomorrow for sure 😊 Check out: youtu.be/hwc6dE7hjUU
きっと将来、「私が #BEFIRST を好きになったきっかけは2022年新年の #イッテQ#ShiningOne を見たからです」と言う #BESTY と出会えちゃうかもと思わせるくらい、インパクトあった🤣#大島美幸 #村上知子 Good Jobです👍