
Today is a special day because IT'S #MANATO'S BIRTHDAY🎂 Woohoo 🎉🎊 Here is the SS from #Gifted (5 months ago), #ByeGoodBye (1 month ago) and #BetrayalGame (3 days ago) MV. Yup, he is not getting old, he is getting AWESOME🤣😜 #HappyMANATODay2022 #BEFIRST
🇺🇸に、只今届いた情報によりますと、Music Trendingに #BEFIRST#BetrayalGame があがっているとの事です。 現場から、以上です🤣
Happy Birthday, #RYOKI 🎉 Treat yourself 🎂 You don’t look older than this photo which is from #BEFIRST #BetrayalGame MV🤣 This was maybe 1 or 2 months ago? 😜 #HappyRYOKIDay2022
OMG😳 THAT'S QUICK 😳 Congrats on reaching 1M views of #BEFIRST #BetrayalGame on Youtube within 15 hours 🎉 This is gonna be addictive again like #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye...No blame...hahaha😅 #BetrayalGame_MV_1M
#BEFIRST's #BetrayalGame Teaser (#LEO) Release on 4/25. JUST charming🥰His airy voice lights up the songs and his solid dance graces the performance. He is irreplaceable in this boy group. Check out #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye MV if you wanna see him more. Youtu.be/OTIZNUI9v0Q
#BEFIRST's #BetrayalGame Teaser (#RYOKI) Release on 4/25. Here comes the killing part maker! His unique stage presence gives you a strong impression and his words touch your heart. Check out #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye if you wanna see his different sides. Youtu.be/XGT0ReQCsJc
#BEFIRST's #BetrayalGame Teaser (#JUNON) Release on 4/25. Must listen to his high notes with chest voice, head voice or falsetto. His skillful vocal takes their songs to next level. Check out #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye if you wanna challenge his high notes. Youtu.be/VdhUGPL-BlM
#BEFIRST's #BetrayalGame Teaser (#RYUHEI) Release on 4/25. You would say he is gifted once you see him singing and dancing. His vocal and dance with the emotion attracts you. Check out #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye, if you want to see his different sides. Youtu.be/7vBj79RhzU0
@BestyFamily00 #Gifted は6ヶ月連続チャートイン間近(マジか?😆) みんなの想像以上にこの記録は、世界のアプローチとして大きな武器になっていくはず。 誇りでしかない。 I like #BEFIRST 's #ByeGoodBye too!
#BEFIRST's #BetrayalGame Teaser (#SOTA) Release on 4/25. He is the KING OF DANCE🕺I bet you've never seen anything like his big hitting and popping in any boy groups😳 Check out #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye if you wanna listen to his rap and vocal more. Youtu.be/yG9ahi9ozD8
Congrats🥳#BEFIRST was selected as a Youtube #ArtistontheRise🔥 HTSのTOP10入りってこういう事。Global Chartに #Gifted#ByeGoodBye が入るって世界への道。今後世界的有名なsongwriters, choreographersに仕事依頼、Artistsとコラボ時、Billboard HTSにいるってのは好影響でしかない😤
Happy 18M views to #BEFIRST's #Gifted. Wheee 🥳 We realize "We are gifted" every 1M views celebration 😆 Isn't it great? Also, it stays in top 10 on #HotTrendingSongs chart for 21 weeks. Isn't it great? #BEFIRST_Gifted_18M
Ever wonder how you were spending time without #BEFIRST before? Imagine a world with NO #Gifted/ #ByeGoodBye MVs, NO BE:FIRST news on social media, NO BE:FIRST TV shows and lives, NO tweets about BE:FIRST🤔OMG😭Thank you, BMSG for making us busy everyday😜
Yup, Yup, Yup 🥳 #BEFIRST's #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye moved up one spot together on #HotTrendingSongs chart. Looks like they are always together😆 Let them stay as much as longer👏
今日の #BESTY は、どうやら #BetrayalGame でざわついているというのは🇺🇸にも届いている😆 今月はVegasでBTS LIVEやっているから、そっち関連ばかりと思っていたら・・・ #BEFIRST#Gifted でもなく #ByeGoodBye でもなく新曲は初お目見えかも。 以上、現地からの報告ですた😜
当たり前の事言うけど、デビュー曲って1アーティスト1曲だけ。#BEFIRST のデビュー曲 #Gifted がHTSで21週連続TOP10って言えることが凄い。あのP-POPやK-POPのスターでさえ不可能だし、これからデビューするグループは #BESTY ほどの統率力がないと難しい。だから、できるだけ長くいてほしい🙏
Haven't followed the #HotTrendingSongs chart for two weeks, but I knew this would happen🎉 #BEFIRST's 1st single #Gifted and 2nd single #ByeGoodBye are still in top 10🥳 Wow😳 They deserve it without doubt.
#BEFIRST がデビューして5か月。私の #BESTY 歴は5か月以上!あたしのほうが上(なんの張合い?🤣)#ByeGoodBye いっぱい聞いているけど、当分 #Gifted の回数は越えないなー😜 以下、ByeGoodBye の10M viewsまでの私の道のり。出すタイミング遅すぎ😆今回3Mの3,000,025がニアミス😳絶賛挑戦中🤣
Happy 5 month anniversary to #BEFIRST. Woohoo🥳 They've released two singles #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye for last 5 months and the both of them in top 10 on #HotTrendingSongs weekly chart. Who could have imagined this?😳 Here is the live performance👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Let5-K…
旅行から帰還。TLで見た英語タグについて、ほぼ英語生活者としての意見。(リプラン続く) HTSのTOP10にいるBOY GROUPのFANDOMは今や英語一文がトレンド。タグの羅列が多かった網も、今は一文増加傾向。これが、世界進出(目指)しているBOY GROUPの応援の方向性なのではと感じる。英語を使うのは 続
昨日の今頃、#BEFIRST #ByeGoodBye MV 10M祭りを今か今かと待っていたのが夢のよう。 時差の関係で、こんなに大きな祭りに参加したの初めて😭ツイとQTして寝落ち。旅行中のため、今やっとRTとQTを見て感動。リプも😭世界中のBESTYに感謝! 昨日ツイできなかった記念の10M VIEWSをどうぞ😅 #Gifted
よし、Entertainment tag見ると Famous Talk Show HostのAndy Cohenの画像の下に #Gifted. "The Record Breaking Song"はBTS。おいおい、#BEFIRST はその3倍以上のTweets数だ👀 その下はRihhanaだぉ!この世界線、誰が想像した? 以上、現場🇺🇸からの報告です😉 ps. 次は #ByeGoodBye が見れるかな🤔
今朝のTwitter Check Time 🤣 #Gifted どうした?いくら私が #BEFIRST やEntertainment関連ばっかり追っているからと言って・・ ここは🇺🇸だぞ。新曲 #ByeGoodBye じゃなく Gifted. とは。昨夜は祭りがあったのか🤣
🧡アッシュタグ NO7🧡 ご自由にお使い下さい🥰 ご挨拶不要です💕BMSG応援限定❤️‍🔥 (a7) Listening to #BEFIRST's songs #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye pumps me up! 訳) BEFIRSTのGiftedと#ByeGoodByeを聞くとテンションあがる!