I’ve never felt more like a second tier nation than watching this knowing UK leaders would not have the courage to say the same. twitter.com/Reuters/status…
#Breaking UK Government intends to prevent a vote on the #GenocideAmendment AGAIN.
They will instead re-table @neill_bob wrecking amendment which excludes #Uyghurs
From a Government letter to all MPs.
Really poor.
Will the Government stand up for one of their MPs, currently being harassed and accused of lying by Chinese Embassy officials? twitter.com/Nus_Ghani/stat…
Thanks to @Telegraph for an opportunity to say what I really think about the #IntegratedReview
The real story behind the inherent contradictions in the #IntegratedReview and the real reason for opposition to the #GenocideAmendment 👇 twitter.com/singharj/statu…
This is a trend. Using climate change to excuse doing nothing to hold China to account.
A new kind of climate exceptionalism: putting on a green mask to disguise our greed for RMB.
A reminder that China, the biggest polluter, has evaded meaningful commitments on climate. twitter.com/BelleTimsit/st…
#IntegratedReview on China in a sentence:
China is bad, so let’s give them more money.
Yuhuh. That’ll show ‘em. twitter.com/10DowningStree…
The #IntegratedReview makes the right noises but is ultimately incoherent re: #China. You can’t categorise a state as a strategic threat AND plan to invest more in it. Just means you reward the threat. Reminiscent of our skewed approach to Magnitsky sanctions: #anyonebutChina twitter.com/MrHarryCole/st…
Happy 70th birthday @DavidAltonHL - easily the hardest working politician I know. Over 40 years standing up for human rights, day in, day out. Thank you.
Fascinating rumour in Westminster Bubble at the mo: @DominicRaab apparently had five Magnitsky sanctions prepared for #Uyghur persecuting Chinese officials but was blocked from announcing them in January by Number Ten.
Courageous article by @MahmutRahima - nobody in the UK has done more to uphold #Uyghur rights. telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/03/1…
How easily we yielded our freedoms this past year.
How foolishly we turned a blind eye to police zealously trespassing on liberties previously held sacrosanct.
This is the result: twitter.com/liamyoung/stat…
The Joint Declaration is a treaty lodged at the UN and still in force. The U.K. needs to make a formal request for punitive action commensurate with the severity of the breach. The idea that we would be seeking “increased bilateral trade” (Grimstone) with China is a joke.
#BREAKING U.K. declares another breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Beijing in “ongoing” violation.
Better, and thank you @DominicRaab but what are we going to *do* about it? twitter.com/BeijingToBrit/…
Relieved this is finally cutting through.
The PRC is destroying #HongKong and there have been no consequences. twitter.com/DavidAltonHL/s…
Hearing cases of ultra-loyalist Chinese students on some UK campuses trying to silence anti-Uyghur genocide activists by publicly accusing them of racism.
Someone should break the news that Uyghurs living in Xinjiang are...erm...Chinese citizens.
Embarrassing. Who is stopping @DominicRaab saying what he really thinks?
Weak statements with no actions merely feed the beast (as the past year has shown beyond doubt).
Still nothing from the PM. #HK friends should tell @UKinHongKong and @Number10press what they think.
China breaks the Sino British Joint Declaration for the umpteenth time this year.
All the while Britain has cowered, failing to propose a single measure to hold them to account for it. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
No, the BN(O) scheme isn’t an accountability measure.
WATCH this. The BN(O) scheme is great, but does nothing to hold China accountable for breaching the Joint Declaration.
Where are the consequences? twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
It is now becoming the consensus view that the Chinese Government is committing genocide against the #Uyghur people.
The UK refuses to use the word genocide without a court ruling, even though it knows such a ruling is impossible. Immoral.
OFCOM absolutely setting the standard here. If Chinese SOEs can’t play by the rules, they can get out.
Nuclear, academia, telecoms: your turn. twitter.com/LOS_Fisher/sta…
Very good letter. Hope @DominicRaab is listening. I’ve been humbled by the energy and sheer professionalism of the young people campaigning for the #GenocideAmendment twitter.com/YetAgainUK/sta…