i know it’s easier said than done but please stop basing your worth on how many likes your posts get. please stop comparing yourself to other creators. remember that you’re worth so much more than what social media makes you think of yourself
stop being scared of creating. you learn the most from trial and error. ur gonna create lots of stuff you don’t like, but that’s how u learn!! the only thing stopping u is urself
when did we start assuming people’s financial status based on how pretty their studio space is?? you can propagate one $7 plant and turn it into 10 different plants. you can thrift and restore thrifted furniture for under $50.... i’m confused
remember how confident we were twitter.com/ciaraturnerart…
kirby costume process 👻 🖤💓
he’s here...
you don’t have to create all the time if you don’t feel like it. if you feel burnt out, play games and watch shows. don’t feel pressured to be productive if all you want to do is rest. if you don’t take breaks your body will make you
if you’re supporting small businesses for the holidays please be aware that shipping is SEVERELY delayed, especially in the US right now. tracking could possibly freeze and randomly update after it’s been delivered - please be patient and kind to business owners!!
animal crossing friends 🌟