Emi Evans(@emirevans)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

I'm still buzzing from the NieR concerts in Chicago, LA, London and Bangkok! Thank you so much fans for making this possible for us, I really hope to sing to you in even more countries in the near future!
Not long now before the beloved music of NieR hits the stage live once again! Can't wait to sing my heart out to you! twitter.com/scarletmoon_/s…
I just love how NieR Automata Anime has somehow made it onto the tram trains around France! twitter.com/Tomodachi_fr/s…
NieR Automata- The End of YoRHa Edition out now! So happy to see Vague Hope being used on this trailer too! twitter.com/NieR_JPN/statu…
It was the honour of a lifetime to have been able to represent Japanese game music at such a global event! twitter.com/scarletmoon_/s…
The original scraps of paper from recording “Song of the Ancients”! I hadn't had time to memorize the melody so I'd written little arrows and dots everywhere! In vol. 2 of this Japanese interview I talk in depth about my involvement with #NieR and work with my duo freesscape. twitter.com/emirevans/stat…
皆様 NieR Music Concert Blu-ray『人形達の記憶』を楽しんでいますでしょうか?!今日は新宿Tower Records遊びに行ってきました! 近いうちにまたニーアコンサートで皆様に会える事を祈っています!
Happy to find that Song of the Ancients is being used on this new NieR collaboration PV! twitter.com/NieR_Rein/stat…
There will be a live stream of this Saturday's NieR concert for anyone who's interested! twitter.com/scarletmoon_/s…
Now on sale! Congratulations NieR team! twitter.com/NieR_JPN/statu…
NieR Theatrical Orchestra Blu-ray is out now! Thank you dear fans for all your love these 10 years! We hope and pray to be able to perform to you live again someday soon.
今日から久しぶりに愛しいニーアの曲は皆さんの前で歌えます! 本当に嬉しくてワクワクしています! 宜しくお願いします! Just a few hours before I can sing my heart out to you NieR fans again! Soo excited! #ニーアオートマタ #5周年
NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139... now has it's very own TV commercial! Not long now! twitter.com/NieR_JPN/statu…
Thank you very much Narita san for inviting me to sing for you! And well done everyone who guessed it was me right from the start! twitter.com/tsutomunarita/…
NieR Automata Fan Festival 12022 Blu-ray is out NOW! This was such a miracle-like and moving performance for me. Very happy to get my own copy and relive the moment! 是非checkしてください! jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page…
Aww happy 3rd anniversary dear NieR Automata! Thank you for taking me along on such an incredible ride with you! twitter.com/NieR_JPN/statu…
今日から始まったNHK朝ドラ「ちむどんどん」で歌わせて頂いています! Singing more beautiful music by @MONACA_okabe for this heartwarming drama! nhk.or.jp/chimudondon/
How random! A Spanish TV channel is playing “Song of the Ancients” while they talk about Mount Cumbre Vieja errupting. Actually this is not the first time that Okabe san's music and my vocals have been used to accompany volcanic eruptions..! twitter.com/wildhawk01/sta…
2011年。初めてフルオーケストラで#NieR の曲を歌うコンサートの楽屋です!本当にワクワクしていました! インタビューVol 3では自分が作った「Chaos Language」言語からのインスピレーションやニーアコンサートの思い出についてお話しします! tsuchikei.com/articles/emi-e…
NieR 10th anniversary concert coming out soon on Blu-ray! Performing to 5,000 empty seats yet feeling the love from thousands more fans online, this was probably the most emotionally intense and unforgettable performance ever for me. Please check this out! twitter.com/sem_sep/status…
Woohoo! NieR Automata OST is finally out today! Wishing you all a magical time listening! 皆様楽しんで下さい!またコンサートで会いましょう!
Thrilled and honoured to announce that I am singing for Star Wars Visions! The gorgeous music by one of my inspirational heros @kevinpenkin Please enjoy! twitter.com/kevinpenkin/st…
10年間もずっと支えて頂いて本当にありがとうございました! It was an absolute delight to be able to sing my gratitude and celebrate 10 years of NieR with you all! Isn't @JNiqueNicole fabulous! twitter.com/JNiqueNicole/s…
Thank you dear NieR fans for 10 years of your support! A special anniversary album out today! twitter.com/sem_sep/status…
Yesss!! We did it!! Huge congratulations NieR music team and thank you soo much #TheGameAwards2017! twitter.com/thegameawards/…