Emi Evans(@emirevans)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Am in total happy shock to have had my voice welcoming in the athletes at the Olympics! Singing Song of the Ancients from NieR with @JNiqueNicole. What a massive and unexpected honour!
#NieRAutomata ファンの皆様、知っていますか?!「Weight of the World Emi version」の歌詞には、もうすぐこの世から消えてしまうチャミクロ語の言葉がたくさん使われています。この曲によって少しでも残される事ができると嬉しいです。。bit.ly/2Je6w1R bit.ly/2J9Zuv8
How exciting! #NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...OST and NieR Re[in]carnation OST out today! A HUGE part of my soul was poured out into these recordings. May our music uplift, inspire, invite cathartic tears and help bring you the most awesome game experience!
Interesting NieR fact! Weight of the World Emi version is full of real words from the critically endangered Chamicuro language. In honour of all dying out languages I hoped that at least it'll be preserved forever in this song. bit.ly/2Je6w1R bit.ly/2J9Zuv8
「イニシエノウタ」を録音撮った時に使っていた紙です! #NieR に出合った話し、自分のユーニット「freesscape」の話しなどをたっぷりします。インタビューvol.2を是非checkしてください! tsuchikei.com/articles/emi-e…
Thank you @NieR_A_ANIME for still using the original soundtrack and allowing my voice to be a part of this! twitter.com/NieR_A_ANIME/s…
"Kaine" from NieR is such a precious song to me. When I perform Kaine I always feel such gratitude, comfort and peace, like I can pour out my soul so honestly. And it's still my kids favourite lullaby. So happy to see it getting this love and attention! youtu.be/NmUk30hDfWs
For the first time ever, I had the exciting opportunity to ''officially'' chat about my involvement in NieR and singing in made up languages. Thank you so much @PlayStation for inviting me! twitter.com/PlayStation/st…
Yes, that was me singing at the end of Dark Souls! twitter.com/violetmoonpr/s…
Thank you very much Narita san for inviting me to sing for you! And well done everyone who guessed it was me right from the start! twitter.com/tsutomunarita/…
Woohoo!! We just won Best Music Award again! Congratulations @MONACA_okabe san and team! And thank you from the bottom of heart DEAR AMAZING fans for voting for us! twitter.com/thegameawards/…
I'm so excited to share this new NieR Replicant trailer with you, as well as a gorgeous acapella arrangement of one of my dearest songs! twitter.com/NieRGame/statu…
Happy 6th Anniversary dear NieR Automata! Thank you for changing my life and becoming part of my family! And thank you amazing fans! Please let me share with you this sneak behind the scenes-practicing with my little boy (now 7) for our first ever #NieRAutomata concert!
皆様 NieR Music Concert Blu-ray『人形達の記憶』を楽しんでいますでしょうか?!今日は新宿Tower Records遊びに行ってきました! 近いうちにまたニーアコンサートで皆様に会える事を祈っています!
Woohoo! NieR Automata OST is finally out today! Wishing you all a magical time listening! 皆様楽しんで下さい!またコンサートで会いましょう!
今日から始まったNHK朝ドラ「ちむどんどん」で歌わせて頂いています! Singing more beautiful music by @MONACA_okabe for this heartwarming drama! nhk.or.jp/chimudondon/
Here is a dramatic piece from Monster Hunter which I sang for back in 2014. Vocals from 1:00. So glad to finally be able to share this with you! twitter.com/DailyMHOST/sta…
I'm delighted to introduce you all to my little baby girl Amelie, born January 4th. I'm totally over the moon with her and looking forward to singing her lots of lullabies!
Ah, they used Kaine here! twitter.com/NieR_A_ANIME/s…
So excited to finally be able to share with you this gorgeous new song which I am singing for the upcoming NieR! twitter.com/NieR_JPN/statu…
I'm still buzzing from the NieR concerts in Chicago, LA, London and Bangkok! Thank you so much fans for making this possible for us, I really hope to sing to you in even more countries in the near future!
The original scraps of paper from recording “Song of the Ancients”! I hadn't had time to memorize the melody so I'd written little arrows and dots everywhere! In vol. 2 of this Japanese interview I talk in depth about my involvement with #NieR and work with my duo freesscape. twitter.com/emirevans/stat…
NieR Automata Anime OST out today! Always a thrill to sing along side @JNiqueNicole! Thank you dear fans for your never ending support of the #NieR series! jp.square-enix.com/music/sem/page…
Woohoo!! The next NieR live event has just been announced!! Finally, finally I can get back on that stage and perform my beloved songs to you again! twitter.com/sem_sep/status…
My wildest of dreams looks about to come true! Performing a NieR concert in my home country! Can't contain my excitement! nierconcert.com/concert/london…