Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Nagi getting a Poki bath
The other day I noticed Haku snooping around an open closet and closed the door. A while later Jun asks me where Poki is and can’t find him in any room. I have a sudden realization. Sure enough:
One of my favorite Japanese actors, Takeru Sato-san (佐藤健さん) watched our cats on TV! 🙂 -Jun
Our friends’s cats Navi and Nova 🌟
My friends rescued a puppy mill breeding doggo. At some point in the past her leg broke and healed in a really awful way and now she walks on the break like it's a joint. We're doing a fundraiser for the surgery to fix her leg! youtu.be/ARmN2uieAmU gofundme.com/help-fix-khion…
This anteater enjoying sakura blossoms just filled a void in my heart that I never knew I had twitter.com/mame_nek0/stat…
the algorithm is working
14 hour drive to Fukuoka with a full car and 3 cats. We made a space for the cats to sleep but of course they decided they wanted to be anywhere else instead. (Our poor tree did survive)
Part 2 of Poki trying to figure out how to be a lap cat He does this thing where he walks up beside me and then falls over, still standing, and just leans against me in that position forever until I move his legs for him so he can lay down
youtu.be/c1aD0HI24PE New cooking video is up on Jun’s Kitchen! It's been 10 years since I made this channel. I wanted to cook & craft in my own kitchen in the future and finally it's happening! It's all thanks to you guys! This time I made traditional Japanese Dango!
Precious 😍
Nagi ran into my line of sight, barely paused before basically burping up a piece of his dinner, ran off again, and then Poki dashed over and ate it. And I feel like this isn't a part of cat ownership I was told about.
Poki and Pichi groomed each other today! 💕
This dude just bolted out the door while I was accepting a delivery and I had to chase him down in my socks while the delivery guy just stood there completely unamused waiting for my signature
boss fight who will win youtu.be/19ybEgFGXko
Today we release our new single Cat Selfie feat. Poki’s butt
Lazy day
A quick Japanese lesson based on an "argument" Jun and I had for months J: It's a tree, so ____ R: That's not a tree; that’s a shrub J: A shrub is just a small tree R: No, it's a shrub. That's why it's called a shrub In 🇯🇵 shrubs are 低木 (teiboku) Literally "short tree"
We got interviewed by the BBC! bbc.com/capital/story/…
It turns out all we needed to do to get our cats to use everything we bought for them was just get more cats
Been working on a Jun's Kitchen video that's had a lot of trial and error these past few weeks, so while you're waiting for us to figure this out here's a Nagi ignoring all the beds we bought him and squishing between the office chair spokes and computer wires
Also coincidentally how Jun and I sleep together
Just opened the door of my bed room to sleep and found this guy. lol -Jun
My heart is absolutely breaking for black people in America. Imagine what your life would be like if you had to watch people like you get murdered over and over for doing nothing. And then the murderers only get arrested when people protest!!
When we first moved into our house a big portion of the yard was empty and barren. Since then we've (well... mostly Jun) planted over 100(!!) trees, not to mention the flowers and bushes We feel so incredibly lucky and grateful to be here. We'll be sharing more soon!