Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

We decided to try taking Poki out in the snow. M A J E S T I C
By all means we never deserved to come this far and it still blows our minds every day. We'll do our best this year to keep pushing our channels to the next level, and of course posting tons of pictures of our cats! Here are some of our top cat memories of 2018:
Trying to get them all to look at the camera at the same time
Some random person copyright claimed a video of us taking our cats to the park. NBD, that's crazy, right? Wrong. Now Jun has a copyright strike and his video has been down for 4 days, and we have to wait another 2 WEEKS for that person to respond to our counterclaim. @TeamYouTube
Good news!! Woke up today and our video is back and the copyright strike is gone! If you haven't seen it yet, here's 13 minutes of us attempting to take our cats for a picnic at the park: youtube.com/watch?v=v8y5qg… Turn on captions for some behind-the-scenes filming info >:)
Of all the places a cat can sit in this apartment ...the rice cooker
Today’s seat of choice #2 Sharply slanted shallow box
Not everyone can look this cool shopping for couches. What can I say, I’m blessed
Helping us pack
Hi so we just solved this age-old mystery. Sometimes the crawl space door is open, sometimes it's not, we just kinda learned to ignore it UNTIL TODAY when we saw a stray cat open it and come out. lmao twitter.com/RachelAndJun/s…
2009 vs 2019 Improvement? y/n
Caught sleepy bean pre-yawn
Smooshface Haku is best Haku
Our cats rarely sit on the top platform anymore, but as soon as we pulled it away from the wall...
It's time to say goodbye to the old Jun's Kitchen! youtu.be/Za8qW-n04T8
WE MOVED!! Poki is adjusting well. Video soon :D
We mooooooved! And we filmed the whole process :D youtu.be/ynEjnebw8LA
The other day I noticed Haku snooping around an open closet and closed the door. A while later Jun asks me where Poki is and can’t find him in any room. I have a sudden realization. Sure enough:
14 hour drive to Fukuoka with a full car and 3 cats. We made a space for the cats to sleep but of course they decided they wanted to be anywhere else instead. (Our poor tree did survive)
Haku and Poki have been little cuddlebugs since we moved in
What is with the winter heating in Japanese trains, planes, and some stores? It’s so hot I sweat through my jeans. I sweat through my shirt. I sweat through my underwear. Everyone else is still wearing a coat. HOW
Sleepy Nagi 💛
boss fight who will win youtu.be/19ybEgFGXko
As a housewarming gift Jun’s dad offered to pay half of a new TV for us. We’ve been putting it to good use.