Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Happy Furrever Home Anniversary, Poki.
Haku sleeping on the counter when I'm not cooking :p -Jun
My mom decided to teach her cats paw trick after seeing me do it with my cats. :) -Jun
Life pro-tip If you're a picky eater, don't have much of an appetite, or can't ever figure out what you want to eat, take pictures of every meal you actually enjoy and save it to a folder on your phone. That way when you're indecisive you can scroll through for ideas.
It's that time of year to check if your wall unit aircon is moldy and needs to be cleaned! We have someone over today thoroughly cleaning out ours and our cats really don't know what to make of it.
We had to slow our car down behind a cyclist and all I could think was holy shit look at that guy's leg muscles, but before I could say anything Jun was like "Look at his muscles!!" A) This is why we're married. B) Dude was like 60. Keep killing it, mysterious buff cyclist man.
🎵I'm a cat I'm a cat I'm a cat 🎵
It's midday nap time, and even though we have a dozen cat beds spread throughout the apartment we must all sleep right next to each other
😱@TeamYouTube I know there have been a lot of changes to the site to protect advertisers (which we're totally fine with) but can we also make it go the other way to protect creators? We don't want ads like this showing on our vids (and I'm sure you agree)! I AM an immigrant! lol
Haku asking to be vacuumed
It’s a fluffy kitty morning (Poki is quarantined to the hallway during food times since he’s a naughty little thief)
Just walked past a house where there were extremely loud slapping sounds and yelling and I was like HOLYCRAPJUNWTF IS GOING ON It sounded like some sort of BDSM torture. Jun was super chill. “Kendo.”
Good news! Poki’s diet and quarantining during food time is working and since his previous vet visit last year he’s gone from 6.2kg to 5.8! Look at this strapping young man.
We deeply upset our cats by turning them into beautiful flowers youtu.be/-wDtTn6h31s
We’re over here panicking, running around trying to get ready for our trip to America in a couple days and this dude’s just laying on the couch this whole time like
I’m sure this will apply to .001% of you but for future reference if you ever get a CT scan/MRI and smell/feel something burning or bleachy in your nose and mouth, this is the best explanation I could find. Because no one warned me about it and it freaked me the heck out.
I’m going to miss you guys!! -Jun
(*NEW JUN'S KITCHEN VIDEO!*) Cooking birthday presents for my wife! youtu.be/sV7eDd1d7LI
I’m in America and my sister sent me videos of my cats for my birthday. -Jun
A cat cam was the best purchase we ever made. Missing our babies 😭
Finally see three of them together through a cat camera. :) -Jun
Is she not the cutest dagnabbed little thing or what
My brother’s cats are sooo fluffy