Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

(*NEW VIDEO!*) We went to a light-up art exhibit that took over a whole park! youtu.be/pS3CHHT9mqg The park that has it all: Exploding flowers Exploding animals Murder sprees My son, transcendent in his supremacy, Samantha Silent dude on a boat Porta-potties You're welcome.
Y'all better get ready for a whole winter of Haku cuddle photos
We cleaned up a Japanese beach!! #trashtag youtu.be/_blNCMhRFtA Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came out and worked hard!! We're heading back to the same beach Nov 23rd, if anyone else wants to join this time! Event info ↓ cleanup.ciclo.jp
New Jun's Kitchen video! I made my cats a tree out of driftwood youtu.be/qi5KyW3aTNw
Found this #Nike shoe washed up on the beach today covered in goose barnacles 今日、海岸でエボシガイに覆われたナイキの靴を見つけた
Haku is becoming an aggressive cuddler
Severe rain and flooding are expected and have already begun in parts of central Japan. This is a live map for landslide risk, which is extremely high in many areas. jma.go.jp/en/doshamesh/m… Keep an eye out for evacuation orders and get to a shelter if it’s safe. #台風19号
Japan has a free emergency WiFi service if you’re unable to communicate via normal networks. It may not be available in all areas. twitter.com/panpandemic230…
Super Typhoon Hagibis (#台風19号), currently Cat 4. It’s like half the size of Japan. Down here in Fukuoka we’re just on the edge of it, but it directly touches down in the most populated region of Japan today—the Greater Tokyo Area. earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145725/…
So, Haku's new thing is climbing into cat beds when one of our other cats is already in it
Every time Captain Poki jumps in and out of his boat it slides slightly off the shelf, but he still wants to sleep in it, regardless. (I pushed it back up, don't worry)
Been working on a Jun's Kitchen video that's had a lot of trial and error these past few weeks, so while you're waiting for us to figure this out here's a Nagi ignoring all the beds we bought him and squishing between the office chair spokes and computer wires
Nagi found a giant cockroach halfway up the wall and we were really dreading the chase and catch (they’re so damned fast) and Haku just leapt up and booped it and it fell on its back, unable to roll over like a dumb, creepy turtle Our cats are super good boyes today
Catching up on our vaccinations! We both got our Td boosters, Jun started his Gardasil 9 series, and I (re)started my Japanese encephalitis series. Just because you’re an adult that doesn’t mean you’re done with vaccines! Check with your doctor about what you might be missing.
I just found this old photo of when Haku needed a bath Before photo for reference
How to tell Haku and Nagi apart youtube.com/watch?v=ImqTtl…
Remember in school when we learned about how aristocrats used to put lead makeup on their faces and we were like “haha idiots” and then we turned around and put on our own makeup without knowing what any of the ingredients are
Captain Poki
Comfy anywhere
We got our cats new cat beds youtu.be/-sAuW991KJk
Vicious ghost cat
Tail poke
They must be protected at all costs