Rachel & Jun(@RachelAndJun)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

How are our cats doing? youtu.be/vv4XljV64fQ
Jun’s family is staying with us for the week and Poki is absolutely terrified of Jun’s dad lmao. He hissed today!! It’s become a running joke bc they always used to pet sit our cats for us and Poki has NEVER liked Jun’s dad (who is a super nice guy).
A quick Japanese lesson based on an "argument" Jun and I had for months J: It's a tree, so ____ R: That's not a tree; that’s a shrub J: A shrub is just a small tree R: No, it's a shrub. That's why it's called a shrub In 🇯🇵 shrubs are 低木 (teiboku) Literally "short tree"
Been working on a Jun's Kitchen video that's had a lot of trial and error these past few weeks, so while you're waiting for us to figure this out here's a Nagi ignoring all the beds we bought him and squishing between the office chair spokes and computer wires
So I just got out of the shower and Haku came over and laid down right on top of my still very wet hair
Rare Nagi blep
Also coincidentally how Jun and I sleep together
You can run You can hide on a cat bed only big enough for one cat But you can’t escape bath time
Trying to get them all to look at the camera at the same time
Anyone who thinks Japanese people are quiet hasn’t experienced a flight full of school trip Japanese girls flying for the first time and screaming WAAAAAAA!!! all around you any time the plane shifts direction
Jenna Marbles made a video cooking for her dogs at the counter and it's so precious and wonderful and we love it so much!! youtube.com/watch?v=92ZU3I… Also your dogs are hilarious @jenna_marbles And don't worry, our cats sometimes just peace out too lol
Our cat’s name is Kohaku. We call him: Haku Buddy Big buddy Big boye Pretty boye Fluffy boye Precious Precious baby Fluffy butt Dumb butt (when he does something dumb) Butthead (when he does something mean) Jerk face (when he does it again) A**hole (when he won’t stop doing it) t.co/XpnlyB36p3
Modeling for Firefly Path @Lillyxandra again! 💕
Pichi's getting better at playing! 💕
This is our favorite park in Fukuoka! They have tons of beautiful flower displays, adorable monkeys, thieving crows, fantastic architecture, a grass-mowing roomba, and sun speckles through beautiful, green forest trees Uminonakamichi Seaside Park youtu.be/18GYSft8rdQ
Omfg I threw on a shirt real quick to go out to dinner and I’ve been sitting here for 30 MINUTES WITH IT INSIDE OUT
Poki thinks he’s people
Stealth Hunter Haku
Help I'm stuck
I’ve had a cold for a few days. Jun just came to me and said J: I have good news and bad news, what do you want to hear first? R: Bad news is you’re sick. J: Yep. R: But at least we can hug again!! J: That was my good news!! Idk why I’m sharing this. It just made us laugh a lot
Sometimes Pichi likes to test out new hiding spots overnight and we have to spend the morning trying to figure out where she went so we can feed her
Sunday we had another successful beach cleanup at Shikanoshima with Fukuoka For Sustainability! We picked up about 120 bags worth, and had lunch together at the community center after. Thanks to everyone for coming—hope to see you all again next month!!
Nagi broke his toof youtu.be/VGimvY3MgGo
the algorithm is working