
Repeat. No Tsunami generated by the earthquake offshore Fukushima. Waiting for reports is of quake damage inland.
Anti-nuke demonstrators stage mock “funeral procession” for the children of Fukushima. What an insult to the dignity of those actually doing something useful toward the recovery. Shame on you. twitter.com/stopfdema/stat…
拡散希望 All nuclear plants in the area are being checked for any irregularities or damage as is standard procedure after quakes. No reports of problems at present.
イギリスの外務大臣ジョンソンさんが福島産の桃ジュースを飲んで安全性を宣伝してくれた。 twitter.com/konotaromp/sta…
100%不検出だべ。福島はええとこ。わらわら帰ってけらっしゃい。 twitter.com/fksminpo/statu…
Fukushima peaches are "selling like hotcakes". Rad levels AGAIN well below ALL safety limits both in Japan & internationally. Better hurry. twitter.com/reemayufu/stat…
東北巡り(続) 山形の上山の伝統行事を紹介して頂けた。加勢鳥(かせどり)っていう天からのお使いみたいなもん。真冬旧正月に若者がこういう格好で町中商売繁盛などを呼ぶ不思議な踊りを、町人は加勢鳥に水を掛けて正月から一年間の幸運を願う。昔全国でやってた行事だそうだが、現在少なくなった。
This is important. 結構大きなニュースじゃないか。 twitter.com/hayano/status/…
M7.1 earthquake offshore Fukushima did not generate a Tsunami.
Today marks 6 years since the tsunami in NE Japan. Let no one besmirch our remembrance w/ silly non-science. 6年経った今日こそ、非科学的なデマで命日汚さねーよーに、頼む。
福島についての誤報をリサイクル人は何が目的 何だべ? 専門家同士で認め合った科学的データを未だにも無視してデマこぐ人は一体どういう心理なのか? synodos.jp/fukkou/17814
福島 南相馬に来てます。相馬野馬追祭り 楽しみだなっす。 twitter.com/singlikens/sta…
3m high Tsunami expected along coast of Fukushima momentarily from M7.3 quake at 6AM. TV cameras in area all pointed toward the Pacific now.
Int’l media drops the ball again. Today, the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Tsunami in NE Japan, they continue to link 20,000 deaths w/ accident at Fukushima. Wake up, you ratings-chasing fools. 20,000 people DROWNED that day. In 10 yrs, not 1 death caused by radiation. #CNN etc.
又、根拠のない デマ を。 ったく もー。 twitter.com/stopfdema/stat…
This can not be over emphasized. No one has died because of the Fukushima accident, and no one ever will. If you have doubts, please visit.