
Minor injuries reported (10 people) in Murakami City, northern Niigata Prefecture after M6.8 quake at 22:22 Tuesday in northwest Japan. So far, tsunami is low. Nuclear power plants all safe.
M7.1 earthquake offshore Fukushima did not generate a Tsunami.
Aftershocks can be expected after the 22:22 M6.8 quake off Yamagata. A tsunami of up to 1 meter is expected soon. Please stay away from the coast until further notice.
デマしか手の残らない反原発過激活動家のアホ。ここまで話し作るな。最悪な罪。 twitter.com/stopfdema/stat…
今日、埼玉県川口駅東口に近い「樹モール」にて、岩手県山田町大沢地区の漁師さん達の出店のお手伝いしてます。ホタテ、牡蠣、アイナメ、ソイ、タコ、ナマコ等 旬の魚🐟を用意してます。完売するまで頑張ります。時間おありの方々 どうぞ寄ってけらっしゃい。
拡散希望 so far, the authorities are saying there is no fear of a tsunami. Thank God.
英字新聞ジャパンタイムズが又も誤報。「チェ事故で4千人見殺し」って ニュアンスでさらっと。国連UNSCEARの数字をわざとひねくれて誤報するから、一福事故の事も。 これでも新聞かよ。編集部に大人はもう居ないのかよ。アホー
ファッションで反原発、事故後 全く勉強せず、事実知ろうともしない人は どうも 心改めて頂きたいもんだ。頼む。
Int’l media drops the ball again. Today, the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Tsunami in NE Japan, they continue to link 20,000 deaths w/ accident at Fukushima. Wake up, you ratings-chasing fools. 20,000 people DROWNED that day. In 10 yrs, not 1 death caused by radiation. #CNN etc.
Fukushima peaches are "selling like hotcakes". Rad levels AGAIN well below ALL safety limits both in Japan & internationally. Better hurry. twitter.com/reemayufu/stat…
在日外国人に拡散希望: The govt is now advising that there is a possibility of an aftershock similar in magnitude to last night’s quake over the next week.
A small tsunami has been registered on Awashima (an island in Niigata Prefecture), but so far, main damage appears to be from quake itself at 22:22. Strong shaking felt throughout the area and there are electrical blackouts in certain areas. Connect to NHK WORLD for updates.
東北巡り(続) 山形の上山の伝統行事を紹介して頂けた。加勢鳥(かせどり)っていう天からのお使いみたいなもん。真冬旧正月に若者がこういう格好で町中商売繁盛などを呼ぶ不思議な踊りを、町人は加勢鳥に水を掛けて正月から一年間の幸運を願う。昔全国でやってた行事だそうだが、現在少なくなった。
Repeat. No Tsunami generated by the earthquake offshore Fukushima. Waiting for reports is of quake damage inland.
Today marks 6 years since the tsunami in NE Japan. Let no one besmirch our remembrance w/ silly non-science. 6年経った今日こそ、非科学的なデマで命日汚さねーよーに、頼む。
Anti-nuke demonstrators stage mock “funeral procession” for the children of Fukushima. What an insult to the dignity of those actually doing something useful toward the recovery. Shame on you. twitter.com/stopfdema/stat…
If U like horses, this is your must-see Japanese festival. Soma Nomaoi in Fukushima, last Sunday of July every yr.
又、根拠のない デマ を。 ったく もー。 twitter.com/stopfdema/stat…
Fukushima rice safe again. In 2016, over 1M bags tested. 99.996% showed no detectable radiation. ALL WELL W/I safety limit. Wake up Taiwan. twitter.com/hayano/status/…
Tsunami of 3m height expected momentarily along Fukushima Pacific coast. Please head to higher ground.
Fukushima city shows radiation level is same as in west Japan:The Asahi Shimbun:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/ajw/articles/A….
The area where the M6.8 quake at 22:22 struck has a history of large similar sized aftershocks according to professor advising NHK. So be vigilant. Though epicenter was off Yamagata coast, Niigata got hit hardest. Again, please do not approach the coast until all clear.
This can not be over emphasized. No one has died because of the Fukushima accident, and no one ever will. If you have doubts, please visit.
わー 困った。今、番組の英訳をしてるところだが、人が甘エビを食べて 、 甘くて、食感が「身が プリップリっ」って、英語で何と言ったら ええのか、頭真っ白。いい英訳ねーのかな?
Samurai horsemen of the 1000 yr old Soma Nomaoi Festival in Fukushima. They race in full armor + many other events.