Mid at bat smelling salts are pretty tight. Might have to add that in to the repertoire haha twitter.com/KingofJUCO/sta…
If I said the same thing to a man, as I’ve done many times, banter. Because it was a woman, you wrote a slanderous clickbait article calling it mysogynistic. So, who’s the sexist here? Treating a woman differently than a man because she’s a woman is the definition of sexism, dolt twitter.com/jessespector/s…
Ok. you saw the live stream of the sandlot game on Saturday. We have the fully produced version with all the mics and angles launching in 25 minutes. I’m going to be watching it live with all of you, so click here, ask me your questions, and don’t miss it! facebook.com/TrevorBauerOff…
“Trevor Bauer finger gun mechanics” -@PitchingNinja probably
Bauer Bytes episode 6 with @Mike_Anthony13 is here! Follow the link for the full video but enjoy this nervous clev moment 😂😂
When mistakes are made, you try to make them right. I know you wouldn’t know anything about making mistakes though. Hope rehab is treating you well. Was good to see you back throwing. twitter.com/Noahsyndergaar…
Sad to see the Athletic become a gossip blog. It used to be a great place to find well written sports articles.
I actually still throw this pitch 😂😂 twitter.com/PawSox/status/…
Hey @hoynsie I’m searching Cleveland dot com for your article about season 2 of my charitable giving campaign #69DaysOfGiving, where I pledge $10 per k this year to 69 different organizations, but I’m having trouble finding it. Can you provide a link please?
appease public pressure. Now, with all that said, I’m not saying players did nothing wrong here, because I don’t know what actually happened. I wasn’t there. But to blame this SOLELY on a player, regardless of what happened, is asinine.
Hey baseball fans, let’s assume for a brief second that Rob’s intention IS to make the game more popular (not just a money grab)...what are some things he could do that would actually make the game more interesting and fun for you as a fan? How do you want to see the game evolve?
Almost like they were designed to do this 😈 twitter.com/PitchingNinja/…
So you can read the radar 24 hours in advance to know you need to move the game up 5 hours the next day but you can’t read it 30 minutes in advance to know there’s a massive cell coming and you need to delay it before the starters throw for the day? #AmateurHour
July 24-march 26 = 120 days...besides trying to vilify players, what were you doing during those 120 days?
Bauer Bytes Episode 2 featuring @WhitMerrifield is now live! Here’s a snippet of us chatting about him walking my @UCLABaseball team off in the College World Series finale. @indians @Royals @GamecockBasebll @MLB @MLB_Players #rallytogether #alwaysroyal
Really excited for this story on @leonys27martin to be on every @Indians fan’s radar and every @MLB fan’s radar. Fans see athletes on the field and I think a lot of them forget that we are people first and entertainers second. A game isn’t life and death...this was. twitter.com/Watch_Momentum…
Breaking news: I’m hearing whisperers about people potentially whispering about whispers today. 👀👀
My Typical Day As A D1 Baseball Player BauerOutage merch available at bit.ly/3TkFgDy
Love the sword celebrations I’m seeing y’all do. Reply to this tweet with your best k celebration and I’ll feature some of them on an upcoming vlog! #LegalizeEmotion