I’m 1000000% in for a 3 oz pulldown contest at the @MLB all star game. Hardest throw wins 50k. Get @DraftKings involved. Have side bets for the fans like the daily raffles at the stadiums. I challenge @AChapman_105 for the first installment. Who says no?!
Not saying one side is right or wrong here or voicing my opinion. Simply explaining what happened. When players said “when and where” it was in reference to proposals @MLB had made that were deemed to be dead on arrival. By saying when and where, players asked Rob manfred to
Hey @borascorp, if you have a problem with me, call me directly. Stop sending players to do your bidding for you.
July. So you, as fans, can form your own opinion to this question: why would players play the additional 24 games for free and burden the additional risk of injury?
Thanks pookie. I know some people are only capable of doing one thing at a time. Others of us can walk and chew bubble gum simultaneously. And if you want to talk about winning, a stat called wins above replacement does that. Me: 17.4. You: 17.3. Better at wining, and tweeting 😘 twitter.com/aubrey_huff/st…
The “competitive integrity” of the game. It would be really unfair to have one crew think sticky is one thing and another crew to think it’s another thing. Rules are supposed to be uniformly enforced right? Almost like you should’ve used an off season to define that
CleveLAND OF THE FREE shirts coming tomorrow. I’m giving away 3 of them to my twitter family. Giveaway rules are simple: 1) follow me 2) reply to this tweet and tag 3 friends. Winners will be announced tomorrow evening! #RallyTogether
Today I filed a defamation lawsuit against Deadspin in the Southern District of New York for knowingly publishing false information. You can read the complaint here: zuckerman.com/sites/default/…
Will I pick my free agency destination based on which fan base follows me most on Instagram? It’s definitely crossed my mind, and I have been known to do crazy things before 🤔🤔 Instagram.com/baueroutage
🤔🤔 how long’s that been going on? Wonder what our game would look like on a level playing field. I wonder how many superstars never became superstars because they respected the game and its rules. At least @MLB has penalties in place and enforces this rule, unlike many others.
I remember when you told me you “didn’t care about velo cuz you were getting outs”...look how far you’ve come!! Really proud of you, son. ❤️ twitter.com/MikeClevinger/…
Coming out of Twitter retirement to come at me again? My guy, we can have our own corners of the Internet. You can do you. I can do me. And we can co-exist. It’s not hard. I can “bask” in my numbers and you can “bask” in your numbers, if the bank has let you keep any of them 👍🏻 twitter.com/gehrig38/statu…
Sad day for the baseball community. Hank was such an inspiration to so many. It’s impossible to measure how many lives he positively impacted, and that is something to aspire to. twitter.com/espn/status/13…
Hey @faridyu firstly, good luck tonight, friend. May the best man win. Secondly, can you send some of your YouTube followers my way? I’m trying to get on your level but I’m a little bit behind. Either way man, see you tonight and best of luck!
Sick artwork my man. Going up on my content studio wall when I finally get it built out twitter.com/JmArtsGallery/…
Guy on the right, career high 100 mph. Guy on the left, career high 100 mph. Stay woke y’all. twitter.com/drivelinebases…
My main takeaway from #TheRiseOfSkywalker is...we’re 11 movies in and a storm trooper finally hit something it was shooting at. The only people in the galaxy that command their projectiles worse than I do. 1 small step for that storm trooper, one giant leap for storm trooper kind
Fortunately, one is not expected to give direct answers to yes or no questions while sweeping one’s porch.
ファンの皆さんの声に応えて一軍初先発のグローブにサインをして公式ファンクラブ会員の中から抽選でプレゼントいたします! 登録はこちらから: sp.baystars.co.jp/news/bauer_fan… また、本日の試合に先発します! あなたのIPアドレスが日本の場合はこちらからみる事ができます!: baystars.co.jp/app/baystarspr…
Nah. Fake news. That Trevor Bauer guy is a terrible teammate. Bad chemistry guy. Headache in the locker room. His teammates hate him. Lol Love you Tuck! I owe much of my success this year to you and @Curtcasali crushing it all year behind the plate. I’ll see you both soon ⌚️ twitter.com/Tucker_Barnhar…
$340M over 14 years. Let’s do some math. Say a lawyer charges $500/hr. 5% of 24M is 1.2M, or 2400 hours of the lawyer’s time. Every year. Are 2400 hours of work being done on the player’s behalf every year for the next 14 years? Reality is worse though. The lawyer isn’t doing all
Have a very nice day y’all 👌🏻