Hamas created fake social media profiles, using photos including this one, in an attempt to hack the phones of IDF soldiers. What Hamas didn’t know was that Israeli intelligence caught onto their plot, tracked the malware & downed Hamas’ hacking system. #CatfishCaught
Snipers from the Islamic Jihad terror organization just fired from #Gaza at IDF troops inside #Israel. Our soldiers responded by targeting the sniper squad responsible for the attack.
IDF troops spotted 2 terrorists in #Gaza planting an explosive device next to the security fence with #Israel. Our soldiers opened fire at the terrorists. A hit was identified.
Not the first Not the second But the third time these Islamic Jihad terrorists in #Gaza attempted to plant explosives along Israel’s security fence. We ensured this was their last.
🚨 Air-raid sirens sounding across southern Israel 🚨
A barrage of 20 rockets was just fired from #Gaza into #Israel. Approximately 10 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome. This map shows all the areas in Israel that just came under fire:
We have started striking Islamic Jihad targets in #Gaza. Details to follow.
The Israeli Air Force just targeted an Islamic Jihad terror squad preparing to fire rockets from #Gaza at Israeli civilians. Terror targets civilians. Israel targets terror.
BREAKING: We just struck Islamic Jihad terror targets in both Syria & Gaza in response to rockets fired at Israeli civilians today.
🚨 RIGHT NOW: Sirens sounding in southern Israel 🚨
After we targeted Islamic Jihad terror targets in #Syria and #Gaza last night, terrorists in Gaza have once again started firing rockets at Israeli civilians. We will defend them.
40 rockets have been fired by terrorists in Gaza at Israeli civilians in under 24 hours. We are currently striking Islamic Jihad terror targets in #Gaza. Terror targets civilians. We target terror.
A rocket fired from #Gaza just hit a children’s playground in the Israeli city of Sderot. Children should never be targets.
Facts > Fiction Here are the facts:
🚨Air-raid sirens sounding in southern Israel🚨
RIGHT NOW: Heavy barrage of rockets being fired at southern Israel from #Gaza.
The last 24 hours in Israel:
Islamic Jihad i n d i s c r i m i n a t e l y fired at Israeli civilians today. We p r e c i s e l y struck a rocket launcher that they used.
We are currently striking Islamic Jihad terror targets in #Gaza.
Islamic Jihad explained:
🚨Air-raid sirens sounding in southern Israel🚨
Photo of Gaza today. Palestinian families live in these homes. Islamic Jihad terrorists force their way into neighborhoods like this, where kids eat, sleep, pray and play—and fire rockets at Israel. How does this lead to a better future?