We can see the shape of the invisible magnetic fields on the Sun because they guide the motion of the plasma – the loops and towers of material in the corona glow brightly in EUV images. This is a model that visualizes them [video, NASA: buff.ly/3DA5skA]
Comparison of some microorganisms up to 1 mm
[📹 Alvaro Gracia Montoya, MetaBallStudios: buff.ly/3RQBG2T]
Less than 200 vessels (across all sizes) suffer from marine accidents and capsize every year out of 80,000+ in total. Ships survive storms thanks to several measures
[read more: buff.ly/3fobhYn]
[📹 buff.ly/3WdU4UN]
Spy Crab joins thousands of Christmas Island crabs as they march to the sea.
[Full video, John Downer Productions: buff.ly/3tQhpRs]
Life before the invention of AutoCAD. An overview of historical photos before the advent of computer-aided design and drafting software (1950-1980) [read more: buff.ly/3lfr6T6]
A Schwarzschild cosmology is a model in which our universe is the interior of a black hole. If proven true, this would mean that universes are layered within universes, being possible to travel through black holes into entirely new universes
[read more: buff.ly/3XMnM4J]
Siphon tubes are a basic implement used in irrigation to transfer water over a barrier (such as the bank of a raised irrigation canal), using the siphon principle
[read more: buff.ly/39e71b2]
[📹: buff.ly/3Dlonid]
Fangate is a company realizing fan-folding gates, in a way that you probably never saw before fangates.it
Most of the blue-streaked lory's general plumage is bright red. Against this intense red background, there are scattered electric blue feathers near the ears and on the nape of the neck, which is where the bird gets its name [read more: buff.ly/2L5gmUU]
This photo from 1979 shows a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employee opening the world's heaviest hinged door, which was 2.5 m (8 ft) thick, nearly 3.7 m (12 ft) wide, and weighed 44 tons (97,000 lbs) [source, read more: buff.ly/3pOTNcv, buff.ly/3Ref8I7]
Photographer Dan Legend captures the magic of the ocean in his captivating underwater images, often using simple effects capable of creating stunning results.
This one is titled «Between two worlds»
[source, more photos: danlegend.com]
Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's ability to read quickly. There are several methods and techniques to achieve it with different results
[read more: bit.ly/2qWYhP4]
[source of the gif: buff.ly/3pMMpzm]
The story of astronauts Mark Lee and Jan Davis, who married in secret 9 months before their joint flight on mission STS-47 & didn't tell NASA until it was too late to train replacements. They are the only married couple to have ever flown in space together buff.ly/2CME3BZ
The story of Felicia, the ferret who was hired to clean the Fermilab accelerator, running through the tubes with a cleanser-dipped swab attached and being rewarded with hamburger meat [read more: buff.ly/2SsApoc]
While cheetahs might look like majestic and dangerous beasts, actually, they are very nervous beings. That's why some zoos give them rheir own emotional “support dogs” [read more: buff.ly/2sN4Bem]
This is a shape-shifting wheel-track mechanism that transition from a round wheel to a triangular track and back again while the vehicle is on the move, for instant improvements to tactical mobility
[video: buff.ly/2tmCbrB]
This drawing ruler allows a multifunctional design through a series of shape and a rotating protractor
[read more: buff.ly/3JYlOaM]
While young penguins are busy learning swimming, a Giant petrel appears and attacks with its beak a young where the skull is less muscular and less fat. But a father is not going to let that happen [full video, National Geographic: buff.ly/3xoAg5E-]
A fecal sac is a mucous membrane that surrounds the feces of some species of nestling birds. It allows parent birds to more easily remove fecal material from the nest.
[read more: buff.ly/3TGvtXs]
[📹 EBS Collection: buff.ly/3SyySXn]
Magnetic aligners are suitable for aligning long, slender ferromagnetic objects like nails so they can be packaged compactly
[read more: buff.ly/2IXodHy]
[📹: buff.ly/3eA8YV1]
Portalzkopes are kaleidoscope made with three angled mirrors, etched by hand and with cnc machines. The result with lights projected in them is quite impressive
[Instagram: buff.ly/3sgFHl1]
[site: portalzkopes.com]
A volcanic bomb is a mass of partially molten rock (tephra) larger than 64 mm in Ø, formed when a volcano ejects viscous fragments of lava during an eruption. This one was observed on Cumbre Vieja volcano on Dec 3, 2021
[video: buff.ly/2ZZjiyI-]
This video shows some plant species that use different methods of propulsion to spread their seeds. Squirting cucumber's seeds can reach a speed of 95 km/h
[full video by BBC Earth Unplugged: buff.ly/2E9jqL7]
The king vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) is a large bird found in Central and South America. William Bartram reported a "panted vulture" in his notes of his travels in Florida during the 1770s. It was very likely a king vulture.
[📷 Miroslav Liska: buff.ly/3HqSAT0]
Though this octopus is sleeping, its skin is wide awake. Does the color display mean that it's dreaming? There isn't yet enough evidence to say for sure if they dream the way that people do, but it's pretty impressive
[read more: ow.ly/jeMX30o4mPm]