Giant Pandas subsist almost entirely on bamboo, eating from 10 to 40 kg per day. They play an essential role in the bamboo forests by spreading seeds as they roam, increasing vegetation
[read more: buff.ly/3UNC3LJ]
[📹 buff.ly/3uIJeKt]
Sleeping in space is an important part of a mission, with impacts on the health, capabilities & morale of astronauts and it's not easy. Even the posture, due to micro gravity, ends up by looking totally unnatural as shown in this Shuttle footage [source: buff.ly/2p9DwmT]
Jacinto Convit, the scientist who developed the vaccine to fight leprosy and was still working to find a vaccine for cancer on his 100th birthday. Described as a popular hero, he never charged a person for the care he gave [read more: buff.ly/2L9dwOF]
Without touching a single piece of land, it's possible to sail from Pakistan to Russia in a completely straight line (or more precisely along a geodesic line or an arc of cirumference, but appearing like a straight line on a globe)
[read more: buff.ly/2rkutg7]
Hyalite acquires a property of fluorescence due to the inclusion of trace amounts of contaminating uranium in the silica structure of the opal itself, and under ultraviolet light uranium will glow very brightly [source and more: buff.ly/2ZO955x]
It’s so much a part of our everyday lives that we don’t often think about vitamin C. This image of Vitamin C was taken by Spike Walker using a Zeiss Ultraphot lll microscope to reveal the strange structures that make up this scurvy-fighting substance buff.ly/2qIlgP2
‘Wallace’s giant bee’ is the world’s largest bee, about the size of a human thumb. Thought to be exctint since 1981, a team of scientists rediscovered it in the Indonesian forests on North Molucca in January 2019
[📹, Clay Bolt: buff.ly/3OOc1H3]
When a star strays too close to a black hole, intense tides break it apart into a stream of gas. The tail of the stream escapes the system, while the rest of it swings back around, surrounding the black hole with a disk of debris [source, NASA: buff.ly/2m0ysiY]
This is a Cercis canadensis, also known as eastern redbud. Its leaves' shapes, positions and color graduation gives the effect of being out of focus buff.ly/2M0ESWK [source of the photo: buff.ly/2lh93h1]
Located in Shiraz, Iran, the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, also known as the Pink Mosque, is a dazzling wonderland of rich hues, geometric patterns, and light that play on the ceiling (here shown a detail) and floor of the mosque [read more: buff.ly/2t8X78y]
Despite it looks like a clumsy attempt to draw a snake, Eryx jayakari, known commonly as the Arabian sand boa, is a real species of snake endemic to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran where it spends the day buried in the sand [read more: buff.ly/3QN8B7l]
Ground resonance is an imbalance in the rotation of a helicopter rotor when the blades become bunched up on one side of their rotational plane & cause an oscillation in phase with the frequency of the rocking of the helicopter on its landing gear [video: buff.ly/2HDqwtG]
Rubbing a sharpie on a can, close to the tear strip, leads to the can to open. Rubbing causes the alluminum to flex back and forth and therefore to get weaker. Eventually the metal can't hold the pressure anymore and pops [full video by the Physics Girl: buff.ly/2NjWm39]
Artist Patrik Proško’s core principle lies in the manipulation of lived reality, most often through a specific method of optical illusion and a variety of artistic devices. This is his Jack Daniel’s anamorphosis
[author's site: prosko.cz]
Crinoids are passive suspension feeders, filtering plankton and small particles of detritus from the sea water flowing past them with their feather-like arms
[read more: buff.ly/2xnWr1a-]
[📹 Marcelo Johan Ogata: buff.ly/3GwS6qo-]
A bicycle's performance is extraordinarily efficient
[read more: buff.ly/3RCD7RN]
[Chart from S. S. Wilson, Bicycle Technology, Scientific American, 1973: buff.ly/3Qv9tMV]
The Barsha Pump created by aQysta can pump 43,000 liters of water a day to villages over 2 km away. It requires no electricity to operate and does not emit any pollution either
[read more: buff.ly/3g9mbo6]
What happens if a star gets too close to a black hole? The black hole can rip it apart--but how? It's not the high gravitational attraction itself that's the problem--it's the difference in gravitational pull across the star that creates the destruction buff.ly/3gHHH1q
Gorillas, both in captivity and in the wild, use tools. This clip shows a family of gorillas trying to fix a defective door in their enclosure, using a modified branch as a tool
[📹: buff.ly/3UBxDrk]
[read more: buff.ly/3gXfBCc]
As a part of every Shuttle launch, over 125 cameras were positioned all over the launch pad structure and around the perimeter of the complex to view how the vehicle performed and to catch views of any potential debris as the vehicle cleared the pad ow.ly/ubeY30oalzY
Watch a giant pacific octopus kill a shark. Even though it is a spiny dogfish shark (never larger than 1.5 m in length) and the scene takes place in an aquarium tank, it's always an impressive event
[source and full video, National Geographic: ow.ly/K6Es50kK3Fh]
This is not laser gunfight, it's how glass bottles are manufactured [source, full video: buff.ly/2OnY5on]
Bears can climb steep cliff faces very nimbly.
This 2014 video by Stephanie Latimer captured two Mexican black bears (mom and cub) climb Santa Elena Canyon
[source: buff.ly/2LU7GEN]
Plants do actually move: we just don't live in the same time reference frame.
This 2-day time lapse shows the so called plants' nastic movements, mostly due to changes in turgor or changes in growth
[📹 Katie Parky: buff.ly/3V9GlyB]
What a 1300 years old tree can tell us: this is only the final part of the Mark Twain tree's story
[read more: buff.ly/2qT07lU]