When researchers found this kind of mysterious underwater 'crop circles', they did not know the cause. Then, they proved to be amazing artwork made by pufferfish to attract and win a mate [source and full video: bit.ly/2p5JBLk]
This incredible compilation of seamless metal engineering by the Beijing Jingdiao Group will give you an idea of what a very tight mechanical tolerance looks like
[video: buff.ly/3HkrNHT]
Hinamitetu is the hand-crafted creation of a Japanese maker who has been running the little robot through a variety of gymnastic challenges. This is #26, dealing with floor gymnastics [videos: buff.ly/3vW9GkS]
This drone view by Domenic Biagini not only shows the magnificence of the blue whale, the largest animal that ever lived, but also how the blowhole, essentially its nostril, is so similar to the human nose [source with more videos: buff.ly/3oaNLn4]
An accessory cloud can often be seen just above Mount Teide’s summit. Such cloud formations are always attention-getting, such as this lenticular cloud captured by Bartosz Wojczyński, staying in the same spot for hours [full video: buff.ly/35BSa98]
The stonefish is the world's most venomous fish. Through its dorsal fin spines it can inject a venom that can kill an adult human in less than 1 hour. This is an estuarine stonefish (Synanceia horrida)
[read more: buff.ly/2O5stCi]
[📹 Frank Volpe]
The mesmerizing defensive display of a hognose snake. Thankfully, most varieties of hognose snakes are considered harmless to humans.
[read more: buff.ly/3A5T9gq]
[source: buff.ly/3DWn8Zo]
You've certainly already heard a singing wren. What you probably don't know is that its song is particularly pleasant to the your ear, because of striking similarities between its & human music
[read more: buff.ly/3UdUytI]
[📹 by Lawrence Chatton]
This augmented reality environment is made from a simple PDF file, projecting a 2D image that looks real and helps create a floor plan for interior design and structures
[read more: buff.ly/3PwQAIX]
[📹 Adam Cook: buff.ly/3QzWRVM]
33 days of wound healing time lapse
This popular clip by Kolo/Time Lapse reveals the surprising automatism of the human body healing process.
[source, HD: buff.ly/3QIOQO0]
𝗘𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶 𝗟𝗼𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗺𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀
log(👀) = log(👁️) + log (👁️)
log(🧇 / 👨👨👧👦) = log(🧇) - log(👨👨👧👦)
log(🏇) = log(🏃🏻♂️) - log(🐎)
log(🌩️) = log(☁️) - log(⚡️)
log(😅) =💧log(😄)
log(💕) = ❤️log(❤️)
log(🙃) = - log(🙂)
How your body stops bleeding when you are injured. The coagulation process
[📹 designmate.com: buff.ly/3payJhz]
[read more: buff.ly/2YVzC2C]
A propeller driven shower head uses micro-holes and built in propeller to force the water to shoot out at higher speed and pressure [read more: buff.ly/3nXGV2F] [gif: buff.ly/3bFI9d3]
On the Equinox day, March 21 and September 23 of every year, everyone visiting the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in the capital city of Kerala, will see the setting sun aligning through each of the window openings in almost five-minute intervals [read more: buff.ly/3lqryNY]
1. stare at the red dot for ~30 seconds
2. turn your eyes towards a plain, white surface
3. keep blinking your eyes quickly
4. discover what is a negative afterimage: buff.ly/3wzOnWF
Flame weeding is an alternative method of weed control and for some agricultural productions, it can be the most sustainable economical solution
[read more: buff.ly/3HXRo7o]
[clip by Jamie Gilchrist: buff.ly/2Hal5SF]
This gif is an early version of a 2006 visualization titled “The Inner Life of the Cell”. It shows a kinesin, a motor protein that moves molecules around the cell. It's powered by ATP and transport molecules along microtube filaments at a rate of 2000 nm/s buff.ly/2On4HTb
That time LEGO built a working 1:1 version of a Bugatti Chiron with Technic bricks only and tested it on a track with a real Bugatti Chiron pilot
[full video, read more: buff.ly/2PjbfS2]
This time lapse video shows the lava flow engulfing a parked car on the streets of Puna, Hawaii as a consequence of the eruption of the Kilauea volcano on May 7, 2018
[source, video: buff.ly/2rsiaOC]
Originating in Australia, Boulder Opal is composed of two parts: the host rock, which is usually an ironstone or sandstone, and a precious opal. It’s formed when the silica compound has water in it, penetrates the rock, and deposits opal in the cracks ow.ly/quaU50wJUK6
PowerMoveIt's solar containers aim at distributing solar power everywhere without a team of expert technicians. Their target is to prepare a mobile power station with only one trained person at any location in less than 30 minutes power-moveit.tech
The Mandelbulb is a 3-dimensional fractal that can be constructed as a Mandelbrot set in 4 dimensions using quaternions and bicomplex numbers. This is one spotted in the wild
[source + tutorial by Machina Infinitum: buff.ly/3RQoACG]
The Mwanza flat-headed rock agama also known as the Spider-Man agama, can't spin webs but can climb up vertical walls with ease [read more: buff.ly/2IHa1jT]
This is what a transition between turbojet and ramjet more looks like.
[read more: buff.ly/3WhhqZz]