The Gyro-X two-wheeled car from 1967 was balanced by the whirling, beachball-sized gyroscope tucked under its hood [full video: buff.ly/3AfqZyS-]
This stunning picture of a lightning strike at night was taken by photographer Rolf Maeder in the Grand Canyon using a Nikon D800 with a 24x85mm lens at 24mm, f/8, ISO 400 and a 25 sec. exposure [source: buff.ly/2KcQxBG]
What happens if you roll a circle inside a circle that’s 4, 3 and 2 times as big? You get an astroid, a deltoid and... A straight line! [read more: bit.ly/2pkEhs1]
There is a method of growing rhubarb known as "forcing" where the plant grows in complete darkness and is tended to in candlelight. It grows so quickly during this process that you can hear it grow [read more: buff.ly/2IJBfH1]
Kurt Gödel, who was one of Albert Einstein's best friends in his later years, found a solution to general theory of relativity that modelled a strange, unusual and rotating universe allowing for backward time travel
[the Gödel metric: buff.ly/3E4m7Or]
Rabbits can swim
Some breeds adapted to live in wet environments, and regularly swim in their day-to-day lives
[read more: buff.ly/3gNq0N5]
[source: buff.ly/3BnSGFE]
Watch carefully: you'll see the accelerometer in the back of the cabin register zero g when the plane goes in free fall
[📹 zbestwun2001: buff.ly/3dARyHh]
[NOTE: No animals were hurt in the making of this video]
A roaming herd of wild elephants was surprised by drone when sleeping
It happened on the outskirts of the city of Kunming in southwest China, before they resumed a year-long, 500-km trek
[read more: buff.ly/2UiSJkV-]
The story of Jay, the rooster that killed the hawk which attacked its hen house
[source + video: buff.ly/3WP6jYj]
This algorithm can reconstruct an audio by analyzing minute vibrations of objects depicted in a video. In this experiment, intelligible speech was recovered from the vibrations of a potato-chip bag photographed from 15 feet away through soundproof glass ow.ly/SIdV30n37Hg
Every year, across Japan there are literally hundreds of Firework Festivals. "Yonshakudama" is the largest firework shell in the world launched for the Katakai-Matsuri Festival: 420 kg of weight
[source, full video: buff.ly/3AqBIYP]
This interactive periodic table from designer Keith Enevoldsen puts the elements in the context of their uses [source, ri-res and pdf: elements.wlonk.com]
Dendrosenecio kilimanjari is a giant groundsel found atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. The giant grounsels of the genus Dendrosenecio evolved, about a million years ago, from a Senecio that established itself on Mount Kilimanjaro [read more: ow.ly/A2PL50Bdw1F]
Honda's Riding Assist technology, leverages robotics technology to create a self-balancing motorcycle
[read more: buff.ly/30YyJan-]
[source, Ali Naqvi: buff.ly/3nQ0n2m-]
Diver Kendall Roberg built a rig with marker caps attached to his GoPro to show how colors change as you go deeper underwater, because water selectively scatters and absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light [video: buff.ly/2SdfUq5] [more: buff.ly/2n7iODf]
Flying amongst the Greenlandic icebergs, photographer Luke Stackpool was fortunate enough to capture these beautiful giants as they explored the deep blue Icefjord
[source, more videos: buff.ly/3TV444R]
[author's site: withluke.com]
In the heart of this grove among the mountains of Mexico, half a billion Monarch butterflies lie sleeping. This spy hummingbird ventures to witness a breathtaking swarm
[📹 John Downer Productions: buff.ly/2VUVLbQ]
NASA only uses 15 digits of π for calculating interplanetary travel. At 40 digits, you could calculate the circumference of a circle the size of the visible universe with an accuracy that'd fall off by less than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom ow.ly/rhmO30o4k7G
Flame polishing is a method of polishing a material, usually glass or thermoplastics, by exposing it to a flame or heat.When the surface of the material briefly melts, surface tension smooths the surface
[read more: buff.ly/3WINXs1]
Curiosity doesn't belong to humans only.
This is the moment Shabani the gorilla and his son are entranced by a caterpillar at Higashiyama Zoo, Nagoya, Japan
[Animal curiosity: buff.ly/3Qn4HkQ]
[📹: buff.ly/3wQXgeM]
In structural geology, a fold is a stack of originally planar surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, that have been bent or curved during a permanent deformation. The lower Ugab River valley of Namibia is an impressive example of such a process [read more: buff.ly/3f5Nugr]
This clip is a brilliant example of how play is totally shared by great apes and humans: not only gorillas and other primates play, but they do it just like us
[read more: buff.ly/3fI0vw1]
[📹 buff.ly/3Fy2i4n]
The fur of the Arctic fox provides the best insulation of any mammal and its thickness increases by 140% during winter. This famous picture by Kevin Morgans shows an arctic fox shedding its winter coat
[source: buff.ly/3lEWThC]
[author's site: kevinmorgans.com]
Golden Plover chicks are some of the most beautifully coloured wader chicks, perfectly matched to their hiding places up on the high mossy plateaux in the Arctic tundra and other palearctic areas
[📷 Camilo Carneiro: buff.ly/3ZhPozw]
[read more: buff.ly/2IdLEYJ]