Katsuhiro Harada(@Harada_TEKKEN)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

A TEKKEN3 energy drink made in 1997. twitter.com/miguelhwan/sta…
Perhaps they generally understand each other. But depending on the combination, they will hardly understand. twitter.com/2BWade/status/…
13日と15日に再放送ありますが、この番組シリーズ史上最も予算がかかった(恐らく再現ドラマなどに)そうです。 twitter.com/NHK_PR/status/…
Oh, I already forgot my birthday. Every year my birthday should be E3 week in Los Angeles, but this year I'm in Japan. This is unusual. twitter.com/alilion_99/sta…
No, in fact there is rollback (everyone talks rollback without knowing it). But the difference is whether the rollback frame is 1 or 6 (TK7 is 3). Increasing this number is more ideal, But causes problems with 3D animation. We’ve already working on this. twitter.com/witch_azure/st…
She was very unpopular from North America five years ago when she was announced. However, the usage rate of Chloe in North America for the past three years is higher than in other countries. This character is completely divided into likes and dislikes. twitter.com/Professori1/st…
Wow nice warning lol twitter.com/gianlucabaccin…
Many plans have been delayed or blown away this year. I (we) wanted to talk about various things with the community, but the opportunities are steadily diminishing. Should I start streaming on Twitch? 今年はあらゆる予定が吹き飛ぶ..私もTwitchあたりでストリーミング始めるべきか..?
It's a video that shows a good verification scene in slow motion. As the community has noticed, Rollback has been working on TK7 for a long time. But smooth animation of 3D fighting games is easily affected (animation method is different between 2D & 3D). twitter.com/reepal/status/…
From the development room.
For example, I say “most grapes are sweet and delicious, Then some people say, "There are some grapes that are not delicious." (In this case, "most" may not be readable). And when I say, "I like apples," some people say, "Why do you hate oranges?" What? twitter.com/NotTophBeifong…
lol It's finally time to pre-order t-shirts. Don't worry everyone, if you buy this t-shirt, I won't get a license fee. twitter.com/tenomedia/stat…
Finally! ふー、やっとここまで漕ぎ着けた。。。 twitter.com/TEKKEN_Project…
対戦格闘ゲームを制作・販売する日本国内メーカーの担当者が大集結。 8/1(土)午前9時より配信 The Japanese fighting game industry sit down to discuss the past, present, & future of fighting games. (日本語配信 / Japanese) https://t.co/7rrsLC8lqn (English)
放送中の「WiFi率6割近い」というトピックスにさらに補足しておくと ・家庭用の全リージョン(全世界)統計値 ・格ゲータイトルだけの率を見ないと!とコメントありましたが、TK7, SC7, DBFZなどのデータですよ ・日本だけの統計では有線率は高い ・PC版の有線率はかなり高い twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/…
Huh? TEKKEN has Rollback. And in today's streaming, I said, "I will improve the online environment including them." Didn't you see it? You should be a good listener. twitter.com/ItsDaniPlays/s…
Also, as I forgot to mention on streaming (I think Michael spoke on the English channel ), the balance patch will continue prior to Season 4 delivery (it will be split several times). A new balance patch delivery date will be announced soon. twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/…
強い弱いの定義は、プレイヤー層毎に違うので(上級者層で強いと定義されているキャラクターも中級者層では理論値勝率が引き出せないケースや初級層では高い勝率を生むキャラなど)、一概に言えません。ただ彼の場合は統計上全ての数値が低く推移している、というのは事実ですね twitter.com/Jyotaro0120/st…
これは本当に難しくて、端的な例では鉄拳6のスティーブは大会で上位に来る超上級者層には最強と定義されていたのですが、統計データ上はどの段位帯でもずっと勝率が低くほとんどの層は理論引き出せずかなりの低勝率. 逆にKingなどは大会優勝しないが全体層で高勝率だったりと twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/…
We have some data on how popular Baki is in Western countries, but we have to collect more information. Netflix has had a big impact recently. twitter.com/DEMONFISTSS/st…
Um...But in TEKKEN World...it's going to be a game where Daryl Dixon and Negan fight? twitter.com/ShatteringHand…
ここ数年バーチャファイターの要望が私のところに寄せられてるのはどういう状況なのだろうか??? twitter.com/sonic_123456/s…