Katsuhiro Harada(@Harada_TEKKEN)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Oops.... I had completely missed it...TK7 achieved 5 million copies by the end of 2019. Please wait for a while to update the commemorative illustration. ドタバタしていた年末年始で500万本達成していたとのこと...完全に報告を見逃していました。記念イラストのアップデートはまたあとで..
I’ll also register. See you in Vegas! #EVO2020 twitter.com/MrWiz/status/1…
A nostalgic concept document that came out of an old SD card. I was in trouble because it wasn't easy to progress according to the original concept. そこそこ懐かしい画像出てきた、コメントは僕が当時入れたらしいけど、誰宛だろう??? キャラ作りって元コンセプト通りいかないものだね...
When TEKKEN3 was developed in 1996, Jin's full name was "Jin Mishima". So the design of the glove was similar to that of Kazuya. twitter.com/jet_ti/status/…
Please send only the HDD bay cover to BandaiNamco. I’ll remove Ono's sign with high concentration alcohol before signing!!! twitter.com/IM_NOMOTO/stat…
TEKKEN's story is always moving forward into the future, and we're constantly updating it as a game, so the desire to always make the latest work rather than remakes wins. twitter.com/LorePleez/stat…
TEKKEN7 had achieved Over 5 million sales (Achieved in December 2019)! We recorded Over 49million copies sales for the series. 鉄拳7が500万枚超を達成(2019年12月現在でシリーズ累計は4900万枚超)! 記念イラストに新シーズンのキャラクターが追加されました! #TEKKEN7 #TEKKEN
It's completely pirated version. The PlayStation logo is completely different, and the print design on the disc is strange. lol twitter.com/japjanne/statu…
TEKKEN WATER 鉄拳水 (硬度25mg/L, pH: 8.0 軟水) #TEKKEN #BandaiNamco
I left the MMORPG in 2009. Currently, I often play shooters such as Payday2, CoDMW, Overwatch, as well as strategy and indie action games. I play almost every fighting game, but it's not a relaxing play because it's half work. twitter.com/FabledWays/sta…
Yep. Should play a bank robbery game at least once. If you enjoy the game, you’re the person who can tell the difference between reality and the game. Conversely, if u blame that game, ur a dangerous person who cannot distinguish fiction from non-fiction twitter.com/TheSenninGamer…
What are you doing Chloe..... twitter.com/kigirokuro/sta…
鉄拳7はロンチ時から入ってるね(こんな風には表記してませんが)。 twitter.com/pien_manager/s…
At that time, it was an honor to be able to promote alongside Virtua Fighter. And at that time, I was hoping that I could face Virtua Fighter again in 10 years. twitter.com/Jandroid93/sta…
Wow...For the first time in about 10 or more years, I will spend my June 10 birthday in Japan, not Los Angeles. E3中止か、6月10日誕生日を日本で迎えるのは一体何年ぶりになるんだ・・・ --- E3 2020 Officially Canceled gamespot.com/articles/e3-20…
I also want VF revival. Hopefully, as before, SEGA is a rival. twitter.com/TeriaLance/sta…
Rivals are necessary for people to survive. Especially for me. I can feel happy in my daily peace by fighting rivals. It's great to be able to have peaceful days, but it's like sleeping. The existence of rivals gives me meaning to live. twitter.com/srSickMyDuck/s…
会社の経営視点に関してはノーコメントです。 あくまで個人的な観点のみですが、条例を読む限り事業者側も協力せよとあるので、まずはアイマスの香川県所属の大西由里子、北川真尋、三好紗南は引っ越しと本籍地変更を坂上Pに進言。特に三好はゲーマーなので一発アウトかな。 twitter.com/RSintar/status…
あとオンライン系のゲームはプレイから1時間経過で、遮断機能とか入れる...にしても香川県のIPからのアクセスを監視してサーバー側から...とかは色々穴があるなあ。遂にペアレンタルロックならぬLocal restriction function搭載..あ!高橋名人を香川県に派遣してキャラバン twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/…
これはVFコミュニティに望まれているんですかね~?鉄拳は何でもアリなところが良いところでもありますが、VFはVFファンにとって孤高かつ至高の存在だったという印象があります。 こういう形での対決よりも、鉄拳なんか眼中に無いと言わんばかりの凄いVF新作が出るほうが... twitter.com/chest01/status…