yua | 유아 | 結愛(@plave0312)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

finding this clip funny because it was hamin who lost balance and bumped into eunho’s face, but eunho asked if the maknae was okay then bamby answered that he was ?!?! #PLAVE #플레이브 twitter.com/5kkkkkkkkay/st…
🦌 (hand starts glitching) 🦌 (uses that hand to fan himself) 🦌 ow, it’s hot 🦙 lolololol 🦌 it’s hot, isn’t it? we need to fan ourselves 🦙 that looks good though? 🦌 the hand is still functional 😭 #PLAVE #BAMBY #NOAH #플레이브 #밤비 #노아
🐬 we have a guest today!! 🐬 it's not eunho~ it's not haminie~ 🦙 hello~~ 🐬 it's noah!!! 🦙 I'm here~ 🦙 after playing for around 3 rounds, I'll go back to work/composing music~
🐬 (reading his letter) peuldoongies, it's yejun. my heart can't wait so much to see you even for a minute. as i prepare for my broadcast, i had written this letter. as a trainee, i had lots of struggles. even then, the trials and errors i went through for the first time (cont.)
[FULL ENG TRANS] 230512 yejun's letter "...Just as you protected us in the face of rough waves, we will protect you from fire and others in the future. Thanks to all of you, my life is getting closer to perfection..." #PLAVE #YEJUN #플레이브 #예준 twitter.com/plave0312/stat…
🐬 that friend… eunho, that friend is too ambitious 🐬 it seems he’s trying to make his own line 🐬 …. 🐬 (serious) cut that off 😭😭😭 #PLAVE #YEJUN #플레이브 #예준
noah tucking his hair behind his ear 🫣
okay, we’ve seen noah dance to sistar’s alone, but imagine him dancing to ma boy 🫠 twitter.com/gungya7/status…
just a compilation of hamin saying he’s not a baby, but has moments where he naturally acted with irresistible cuteness 🥹
“lots of virtual idols like ‘mave, girl’s re:verse, and isegye idol…’ have been introduced in weekly report over time. however, the appearance of a boy group that is considered to be the ‘completed form’ of virtual idols has been in the news lately.” #PLAVE #플레이브
[ENGSUB] on william looking like a̵ ̵d̵o̵g̵ ̵p̵o̵o̵p̵ doggy poo (the character) 🐬 this is the first time i've seen someone compare a person to a dog poop! 🐈‍⬛ i meant the animation! 🦙 now that i've seen it, i get it~ #PLAVE #YEJUN #NOAH #HAMIN #플레이브 #예준 #노아 #하민
complete sets of all asterum photocards 🥹💙💜🩷❤️🖤 they look so pretty when we organized! cr. weibo.com/1842982743/489… #PLAVE #플레이브
finding it endearing how eunho still chose to censor words that weren’t even that bad or a curse in itself 🥹 with raps like this, the lyrics could be hard to control from your mouth, but he was paying attention and still being careful!!! he’s the best 🥹
vitamin bamby 🤗
[ENG TRANS] on hamin's thoughts about debuting "Even if we’re able to create good songs, come up with nice choreography, make our broadcasts fun, and get loved by and a lot of attention from fans, [the hyungs] say that this is not all ours." #PLAVE #HAMIN #플레이브 #하민
🐺 i worked out with noah hyung-nim often though,, he would keep on saying i (still) got energy left even though i’m (already) making a fuss about the pain.. scary,, 😭
🐺 noona, i like you
🐺 ah.. i told them not to post it though, to manager-nim 🐺 look at my expression, everyone 🐺 manager-nimie made me (take the photo)..
bamby laughs in “HAHAHAHA” it’s so heart-warming 🥹🥹🥹
👤 since bamby falls short on height, does it mean he’d have to apply less sunscreen because he’s far from the sun?😌 ㄴ 🦌 😳 FOUL????? 😭
“on may 15, 2023, a certain kuldduks—who wishes to remain anonymous—from VLAST corporation of our TERRA planet discovered a habitable planet called ‘PLAVE the second celestial body’ in the bilibili galaxy...” so creative 🥲
🐈‍⬛ i think i can never beat noah hyung as much when it comes to singing, so i’ve been practicing my trot skills! i’m going to try and beat him when it comes to trotting! yoohoo!! noah hamin trot on friday real ‼️‼️‼️
🐬 since even these punk-members keep on giving spoilers, i’ll also give a spoiler 🐬 we’re currently preparing a group cover song that is something strong ⁉️⁉️
💜 ㄴ 💗 ㄴ ❤️ ㄴ 💙 ㄴ 🖤
one of the best clips i’ve come across today. seriously, unmute it 🥹