
Returning to join the cast of SOULCALIBUR VI are Astaroth and Seong Mi-Na! Only skilled warriors will stand a chance against Astaroth's giant axe and overwhelming strength while Seung Mi-na's quest for the SOUL EDGE will pit her against powerful warriors!
Transcend history and the world once again in #SOULCALIBUR VI! A free update will introduce new moves for all characters when Season 2 releases. More information coming soon!
2B will be making her way to #SOULCALIBURVI along with her own stage, background music, and an alternate costume! Step back onto the stage of history and order your copy of SOULCALIBUR VI today!
Will you awaken Tira’s true personality in #SOULCALIBUR VI? An expert in the ominous Dance of Death fighting technique, this former assassin returns to the stage of history as a bonus character for Season Pass owners, and as a stand-alone DLC.
BEHOLD the SOULCALIBUR fan made Wizard Lizard in action! Our epic community creation shows off his moves, weapons, and gear chosen with your votes around the world. Soon it will be your turn to create your own epic warrior! Pre-order #SOULCALIBURVI today!
Get ready for the return of the reincarnating wizard: Zasalamel and his Death Scythe join the cast of SOULCALIBUR VI!
Consumed by the influence of the cursed sword, Cervantes once brought a reign of carnage around him. He now wields Acheron and Nirvana, a pirate’s longsword and a dagger hiding a pistol in its hilt, but thirsts for the power of Soul Edge… ​⚔ #SOULCALIBUR VI
📢 Allow us to bring some clarity: Tira will be included in the Season Pass as a bonus character whenever you purchase it, and she will also be available as a day-one standalone DLC. She is not a pre-order bonus! Our apologies for the confusion.
Attn: Steam players! YoRHa No. 2 Type B from @SquareEnix's @NieRGame is now available in the Steam version of SOULCALIBUR VI! Get the Season Pass of #SOULCALIBURVI on Steam today:
We know who will REALLY play Geralt of Rivia! ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ … it’s you, in SOULCALIBUR VI! 😎
『NieR:Automata』とのコラボ!有料DLC2弾「2B」の配信を開始致しました!原作同様に小型剣・大型剣・槍・格闘武器を使い分け、あらゆる戦局に対応できるオールラウンダー!追加ステージにも”こだわり”を入れておりますので、ぜひ楽しんでください!#SOULCALIBUR 紹介…
The wait is finally over, we’re proud to officially announce SOULCALIBUR World Tour 2020! Check out tomorrow’s livestream for more details at 8PM JST during #FightingTuesdays. Our first stop is at EVO Japan! Step up to the Stage of History and register:
What if your fate was entwined with the two swords? Become the hero of your own legend with Libra of Soul, the new story mode introduced in #SOULCALIBUR VI. Take up your weapon and make history on October 19! #bnegamescom
イラストレーターとしてご活躍されてる Tea先生( @nakenashi )にティラの応援イラストを描いてもらいました! 可愛いイラスト、有難うございます! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
さらに『SOULCALIBUR Ⅵ』の「Season 2」の実装も決定致しました!!キャラクターごとの新たな挙動や新ステージの追加など対応予定です。今後の続報をお待ち下さい。 #ソウルキャリバー
さらにさらに!「Season 2」で追加される有料DLCのゲストキャラクターとして『SAMURAI SPIRITS』より「覇王丸」の参戦が決定致しました!配信時期などの情報は追って公開させていただきます。今後の続報にご期待ください! #ソウルキャリバー #サムスピ #サムライスピリッツ
Voldo, the Hell Guardian, returns to the stage of history in #SOULCALIBURVI! Wielding Manas & Ayus, this unique fighter from Naples will take you by surprise with his thrusts and slashes.
With the #SOULCALIBURVI launch coming up, @maximilian_ shows us the full potential of the character creator! Who will you make on day one? Reserve your copy today!
"Let's dance!" Raphael the master of fencing returns in SOULCALIBUR VI! He brings his his agile swordsmanship back to the Stage of History!
Can you hear it? The sound of swords clashing! ⚔️ ​ Legendary fights await in #SOULCALIBUR VI on PS4, XB1 and PC!
Give your warrior fierce new looks with the Creation Parts Set B available on 16 May in #SOULCALIBUR VI, which includes over 150 items & 97 pieces of background music! Update 1.40, out tomorrow, implements compatibility support of the DLC. Full details:
To quote a legendary swordsman, “the wait is over, let’s begin!” New characters, moves, costume parts, battle systems, stages and more: here’s what awaits warriors in #SOULCALIBUR VI’s Season 2, launching on November 26 with Hilde and Creation Parts Set C!
シーズンパス2の最後を飾る追加キャラクターを、現在鋭意制作中! 今後の発表を楽しみにお待ちください! We're currently working diligently on the next character to end Season Pass 2! Stay tuned for more announcements in the future! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
【DLC13弾プレイアブルキャラクター「ファン」配信日が決定!】 DLC第13弾「ファン」14弾「クリエイションパーツセットF」の紹介トレイラーを公開いたしました。お得に遊べるシーズンパス2も配信中です。ぜひご覧ください  #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR #SC6