
So far eight fighters are ready to square off on the stage of history..who is next? Stay tuned to our page to find out! #SOULCALIBURVI is coming to PS4, Xbox One, & Steam! Reserve your copy today!
WATCH - Learn more about Sophitia straight from Okubo-san, Producer on SOULCALIBUR VI!
We just revealed 2B’s(YoRha No.2TypeB)official release date[] and the patch notes for update Ver1.10 on our official SCVI site [].
"Fall in love yet?" The traveling artist, Xianghua, joins the roster of SOULCALIBUR VI armed with her signature sword arts. #SOULCALIBURVI is coming in 2018 on PS4, Xbox One, and Steam!
Learn all the basics of combat for the upcoming #SOULCALIBURVI network test! Full manuals with special attacks are available here: Download the #SOULCALIBUR VI network test today on PS4 or Xbox One and draw your weapons tomorrow, Sept. 28th at 8AM PDT.
Update 1.20 is now live for PS4/Xbox One/Steam! This patch includes additional creation parts and functions, as well as gameplay, character creation and network adjustments. Full update details: #SOULCALIBUR
The halls of EVO will ring with the clashing of swords! We're proud to announce the SOULCALIBUR VI tournament at this year’s EVO Championship series! Tournament registration details coming soon… Hope to see you all there!
For Siegfried, the true nightmare has only just begun. Will he be able to atone for his past deeds? Find out when #SOULCALIBURVI arrives on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC this year. Reserve your copy today!
SOULCALIBUR VI release date has been mentioned at some HP. This release date is not true. For the players waiting the release date, we apologize of this matter. There are still unannounced information of the game including the release date. Stay Tuned! #SOULCALIBURVI
"I have no plans to lose!" Wielding Scarlet Thunder with strength and finesse, Seong Mi-Na will continue her quest for Soul Edge in #SOULCALIBURVI! Are you ready to step back on to the stage of history?
Dear #SOULCALIBURVI players, An update that includes the following fixes and improvements will be released soon. We will be sharing more information regarding the update's release and content as soon as possible. #SOULCALIBURVI
Returning to SOULCALIBUR VI is Astaroth! Only skilled warriors will stand a chance against his giant axe and overwhelming strength.
The countdown to #SOULCALIBUR VI continues... 3 days left until your favorite warriors return! Reserve your copy today!
A new patch for #SOULCALIBUR VI will be available on January 17 for PS4/Xbox One/Steam, bringing gameplay adjustments and updates for all characters. Read the update V.1.11 patch notes:
Prepare for battle on PS4 & X1! You are invited to help us test our online network for SOULCALIBUR VI. Login and play RANKED MATCH mode! Download the #SOULCALIBURVI network test on September 27th and draw your weapons on September 28th at 8AM PDT.
5/1 is the birthday of Maxi, the Sea Dandy! Let's celebrate this former pirate from the Ryukyu Kingdom, a man who is skilled with nunchaku! #SOULCALIBUR
Unmatched speed and superior reflexes will give any SOULCALIBUR veteran trouble when fighting against Taki. Prepare for battle when #SOULCALIBUR VI releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this year!
For the 1st time ever, we'll be creating an epic #SOULCALIBURVI warrior with the help of the community! After a series of polls, we'll put together the character & show them off in battle! Vote in our 1st poll for character race NOW @ (ends 9/19 @ 9AM PDT)
February 6th is the birthday of Siegfried Shtauffen, the Soul With No Tomorrow! Let's celebrate the young knight who wields a sword as tall as he is and dedicates his life to redemption! #SOULCALIBUR
"Curse the ill-fortune that led you to me” Are you prepared to face Ivy in #SOULCALIBURVI?"
Celebrating the EVO 2018 side tournament! Illustrator Mr.Hiroaki who also worked on SOULCALIBUR VI, has made a special art supporting all the players attending the tournament. Good luck to all the players! #SOULCALIBUR
Fascinated by the beauty of her mother’s swordsmanship, Xianghua learned the way of the sword from a young age. After her mother's passing, she inherited her weapon and set out on a journey that led to her fateful meeting with Kilik. #SOULCALIBUR
#SEAM2019 にてSeason2の新技紹介動画を公開しました。各種キャラクターの新技をぜひご覧ください。今後もSeason2の続報をお待ちください!… #SOULCALIBUR #ソウルキャリバー #SC6
カサンドラのコンセプトアートです。勇猛果敢な古代ギリシャの戦士、勇者のようなイメージのデザインとなっています。新しいメインカラーのオレンジと、ヒロイックにたなびくマフラーが今回の特徴です。(1/2) #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Aug. 13 is the birthday of Hildegard von Krone (Hilda), the Defender of the Kingdom. Let's celebrate the young acting ruler who fights Malfested on behalf of her father Georg, using her flag spear and sword! #SOULCALIBUR