
Ivy's versatile sword is a loyal companion that will cut down any foe who stands in her way. Do you know how she was able to produce such a weapon? ⚔️ RT + comment with the right answer for a chance to win a Deluxe #SOULCALIBUR VI code! 🕔 Ends Jan 14, 5 PM CET/8 AM PST
Harness the power of Critical Edge to unleash a devastating attack on your opponent! SOULCALIBUR VI will be available for PS4, Xbox One, and Steam in 2018! Reserve your copy now!
3/12は「誓いの再臨」ソフィーティア・アレクサンドルの誕生日です! 神の加護を受けた剣盾を手に、邪剣に冒された者たちを浄化する美しき聖戦士をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Update data ver.2.30 for the PS4/Xbox One/STEAM is now available, and please note that DLC13&14 will be available December 2nd. You can view all the info on this update here:… #SOULCALIBUR
Inferno, the Hellfire of Despair, is the fearsome embodiment of Soul Edge. The eerie fire that surrounds him is the result of all the souls the sword has reaped. Do you have what it takes to fuel his fire? #SOULCALIBUR
At 19th June we will release patch Ver.1.42 to adjust unexpected battle mechanics and special moves. Please note that once the patch is applied, the replay data from the previous versions can no longer be used. The detail of this adjustment will be disclosed to our HP tomorrow.
We have encountered a few issues in SOULCALIBUR VI’s Online and VS modes. We are working on fixes and solutions. Fixes for these issues along with a game balance update will be released subsequently. (1/3)
Dual wielding his twinblade, Arondight Replica, Groh will use his weapon to hunt those connected to the cursed sword! Get ready to step back on to the Stage of History when #SOULCALIBURVI releases on Oct 19th!
Prepare for battle! Download the #SOULCALIBUR VI network test today on PS4 or Xbox One and then get ready to draw your weapons tomorrow, Sept. 28th at 8AM PDT. Login and play RANKED MATCH mode! Learn more about this online network test:
1. Devise an idea (2/2) Designers and animators create illustrations and documents of their ideas for a new move. It is necessary to envision how interesting and new the attack motion will be, as well as how it will perform when used in competition. #SOULCALIBUR
ファンのコンセプトアートです。SC2のアサシン要素に加え、東洋の道士や近世ヨーロッパの軍服などのイメージを融合させたデザインです。独特のシルエットは「黒鳳雀」という鳥から着想を得ています。ツンツン髪とハチマキは彼の特徴として外せません。(1/2) #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
(2/2) In the rough draft stage, we went in the direction of refining the dress of SC3. The headdress, cape, and updated coloring to give it an SC6 feel were reflected in the final draft. The curly pigtails are not to be left out of her signature look. (2/2) #SOULCALIBUR…
Ivy Valentine returns to #SOULCALIBUR VI to whip out those who get in the way of her revenge. Watch this video in which Motohiro Okubo, producer of the game, shares some insight into the development of this fan favorite. Will she be your main?
A Project Soul Panel Session will be held at EVO JAPAN 2019 on February 16 in Fukuoka, Japan! Members of the development team (including @achilles_Okubo) will be on stage for a Q&A session. Will you be joining us? Details: #SOULCALIBUR #EVOJAPAN
SOULCALIBUR VI Network Test is currently available for a limited time! Join now to play SOULCALIBUR VI for free on PS4 and XBoxOne. Feedback of network test please access…
More screenshots coming your way! Create your own custom fighter from scratch in the new Libra of Soul Story Mode before roaming the #SOULCALIBURVI world! What will you create?
シャンファのコンセプトアートです。SC1とSC2の各衣装デザインから要素を抽出し、掛け合わせてリファインしました。「蓮」と「流水」をモチーフとして、清涼感のあるイメージにまとめています。中華風のボレロが今回の特徴です。(1/2) #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
September 3rd is the birthday (manufacturing date) of Astaroth, the Demonic Vanguard! Let's celebrate the vicious and matchless golem that was built by the cult group Fygul Cestemus and destroys everything with his giant axe! #SOULCALIBUR
1月17日(木)にアップデートデータVer.1.11の配信を予定しております。 詳細は本日(15日)公式サイトにて公開予定ですので、改めて告知させていただきます。引き続き、SOULCALIBUR Ⅵをよろしくお願い致します。 #ソウルキャリバー #ソウルキャリバー6
Cervantes will continue to claim countless souls in #SOULCALIBURVI! Will you join him in his quest for the Soul Edge?
"I could never grow tired of the human race!" Azwel, Leader of Humanity, takes the stage in #SOULCALIBURVI. His twisted and fanatical love for humanity causes him to enact a ghastly plan...
The #SOULCALIBUR development team welcomes your feedback regarding #SOULCALIBUR VI. Because of the internal sever transfer, we changed the survey URL. To share your thoughts with us, please visit the following link:… Thank you for your continued support!
A master of the Ling-Shen Su temple’s Secret Arts of the Rod, Kilik was the chosen successor of Kali-Yuga. Since the moment it absorbed dark energy from the Evil Seed, the weapon holds within it the fearsome potential to become a second Soul Edge. #SOULCALIBUR VI
また、本日5/15(水)に配信予定の無料アップデートVer1.40を適用いただきますとクリエイションパーツとして、「ブライダルスーツ(男)」「ウェディングドレス(女)」を含む無料パーツ(8種類)をプレゼント!詳細は公式HPよりご確認ください。… #ソウルキャリバー
さらに、『SOULCALIBUR Ⅵ』は新たな舞台「Season 2」へ!「Season 2」にて追加される内容をまとめたトレーラも公開しました!各キャラクターごとの新たな挙動や要素などをご確認いただけます。ぜひご覧ください。… #ソウルキャリバー