
This is the concept art for Xianghua, which is a crossover of elements from SC1 and SC2 costumes. The motifs of "lotus" and "water" are combined to create a cool and refreshing image. The Chinese style bolero is a feature of SC6.(1/2) #SOULCALIBUR
ソフィーティアのコンセプトアートです。SC1の青白を基調とした古代ギリシャの「聖戦士」モチーフのデザインをリファインしました。SC6開発初期にベンチマークとして作成されたこともあり、最も早くデザインが決定したキャラクターの一人です。(1/2) #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Taki takes command of her weapons, Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru, to slash her opponents in battle! Does your soul still burn? Pre-order SOULCALIBUR VI today!
The Soul still burns! Check out another new batch of #SOULCALIBURVI screenshots showing off an epic battle between Mitsurugi and Sophitia! #SOULCALIBURVI hits PS4, XB1, and Steam in 2018.
"Time for a test!" The Agent in Black, Grøh, is a newcomer to the roster of SOULCALIBUR VI armed with a Twinblade. #SOULCALIBURVI is coming in 2018 on PS4, Xbox One and Steam. Pre-order now @
7/20は「勇躍の戦乙女」カサンドラ・アレクサンドルの誕生日です! 神の加護を受けた剣盾を勝手に持ち出し、邪剣に冒された者たちをお仕置きするパン屋の看板娘をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
DLC13&14の配信が開始されました。配信時間は地域によって時間差がありますので予めご了承ください。DLC13,14はシーズンパス2に含まれます。重複して購入しないようご注意ください。DLC13,14がストアに表示されない場合は、しばらく待ってから再度ご確認ください。 #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
3/20は「惑い往く此岸花」雪華が、師匠である九重舟元から名前を授かった記念の日です! 仕込み傘から繰り出す抜刀術の技を磨き、御剣平四郎を師の仇として討ち果たさんとする女羅刹をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Trained to eliminate any blind spot, Taki knows how to counterattack from every angle. A drop-dead gorgeous rendition of the ninja warrior by @raphireart#SOULCALIBUR
4/2は「涼風の旅芸人」柴 香華(チャイ・シャンファ)の誕生日です! 皇帝の親衛隊の一員であり、母譲りの技で運命を切り開く、中華剣使いの少女をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
We sat down with #SOULCALIBUR VI producer Motohiro Okubo at #E32018 to talk about the evolution of the story, addition of #TheWitcher's Geralt and brand new mechanics. Watch now! #BandaiNamcoE3
Beware of Taki's Mekki-Maru, the cursed blade contains a fierce power that she only unleashes in the most dire of situations... Step on to the stage of history and show us that your soul still burns! Pre-order #SOULCALIBURVI today!
Warriors, it’s time! Download the #SOULCALIBUR VI client out today on PS4 and XB1, and help us test our online network! To get you warmed up, check out the characters' move sets:… Start: Sept 28, 5 PM CEST/8 AM PDT End: Oct 1, 5 AM CEST/Sept 30, 8 PM PDT
When you REALLY want that Yoshi suicide kill #SoulCaliburWorldInvitational
February 9th is the birthday of Kilik, the Destiny Awakened! Let's celebrate the dignified ascetic who challenges the Soul Edge with the sacred mirror Dvapara-Yuga, a memento of his sister, and the staff Kali-Yuga, which absorbs all power! #SOULCALIBUR
Warriors wield their swords with great speed, power or grace in this colorful #FanArt feature. Which of these amazing pieces mirrors your current mood? #SOULCALIBUR VI
10/22は「冬薔薇の小公女」エイミがラファエルと出会った、二人の記念の日。いわば彼女の第二の誕生日です! 養父ラファエルから贈られた愛剣アルビオンを手に、過酷な未来へと立ち向かう運命の少女をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Only 2 days left until you can step back onto the stage of history in #SOULCALIBURVI. Be sure to reserve your copy today!
Few warriors would dare challenge Yoshimitsu under a blood red moon, the way Max Elmberg Sjöholm depicted him with breathtaking talent! #SOULCALIBUR
See all the reactions to #SOULCALIBURVI from EVO 2018 in this video featuring @XavierWoodsPhD, @Kayane, @BeautifuldudeGG, @xxfruitcakexx, & more! Are you ready to step back on to the stage of history? Pre-order SOULCALIBUR VI today!
The team at #bandainamco wishes you happy holidays! We can't wait to see you in 2018 for more information on #SoulcaliburVI. Until then, sheathe your sword 😤 and try to find all the references - not only from SoulCalibur - hidden in our Season Greetings card. 💝
The beauty and grace of Xianghua’s sword dance flows right out of this vibrant illustration by @raphireart and @reikakukoto. #SOULCALIBUR #Fanart
January 1st is the birthday of Cervantes de Leon, "The Shell of a Proud Man"! Let's celebrate the start of a new year and the departure of the fearsome pirate who shook all who sailed the Atlantic! #SOULCALIBUR
This is the concept art of Cassandra. The design is based on the image of a brave and courageous ancient Greek warrior. The new main color, orange, and the heroic fluttering scarf are the features of this costume.(1/2) #SOULCALIBUR
Here's another set of custom fighters in action in these new screens from the Libra of Soul Story Mode in #SOULCALIBURVI!